主要致力于生物活性小分子荧光探针设计及性能研究。主持完成国家自然科学基金等科研项目十余项;在研主持河南省自然科学基金面上项目1项,河南省科技攻关项目1项。获河南省高校科技成果奖一等奖1项,二等奖1项,河南省高校优秀科技论文一等奖4项,二等奖4项;河南省自然科学优秀论文二等奖3项,三等奖1项;指导学生获河南省挑战杯二等奖1项,三等奖2项。在Chem. Eng. J., J. Hazard. Mater., Sens. Actuators B: Chem.等刊物上发表SCI论文70余篇。
1. Wei-Na Wu*, Yu-Fei Song, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yuan Wang*, Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Tony D. James*, Multifunctional 1,3-benzoxazole-merocyanine-based probe for the ratiometric fluorescence detection of pH/HSO3-/viscosity in mitochondria, Chem. Engin. J., 2023, 464, 142553.
2. Si-Lin Xu, Fang-Fang Guo, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Yuan Wang*, Tony D. James*, A hemicyanine-based fluorescent probe for ratiometric detection of ClO- and turn-on detection of viscosity and its imaging application in mitochondria of living cells and zebrafish, Sens. Actuators B: Chem., 2023, 383, 133510.
3. Shuang-Shuang Liu, Wei-Na Wu, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yun-Chang Fan, Yuan Wang, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A dual-emission fluorescence probe for the detection of viscosity and hydrazine in environmental and biological samples, Anal. Chim. Acta, 2023, 1245, 340867.
4. Jin-Long Yan, Ling Zhang, Wei-Na Wu*, Yuan Wang, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A novel AIRE-based fluorescent ratiometric probe with endoplasmic reticulum-targeting ability for detection of hypochlorite and bioimaging. Bioorganic Chemistry, 2023, 131, 106319.
5. Yu-Man Tian, Gao-Bing Liu, Wei-Na Wu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Xue-Feng Han, Yun-Chang Fan, Yuan Wang*, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A p-toluenesulfonamide-modified benzo[h]chromene hydrazone: Fluorescent turn-on detection of hypochlorite and its application to imaging the endoplasmic reticula of living cells and zebrafishes. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2023, 296, 122669.
6. Pan Liu, Wei-Na Wu*, Yuan Wang*, Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Lin-Yan Bian, A dual-ratiometric mitochondria-targeted fluorescent probe to detect hydrazine in soil samples and biological imaging. J. Hazard. Mater., 2022, 440, 129713.
7. Ling Zhang, Han, Xue-Feng Han, Wei-Na Wu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yuan Wang*, F Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A novel fluorescence aggregation-induced emission active chemosensor for sequential determination of Cu2+ and S2- in an almost neat aqueous solution, Microchem. J., 2022, 183, 107974.
8. Xiao-Hong Li, Xue-Feng Han, Wei-Na Wu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yuan Wang*, Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Simultaneous detection of lysosomal SO2 and viscosity using a hemicyanine-based fluorescent probe. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2022, 280, 121519.
9. Xiao-Hong Li, Jin-Long Yan, Wei-Na Wu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yuan Wang*, Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A dual-response fluorescent probe for SO2 and viscosity and imaging application in lysosomes and zebrafish, Microchem. J., 2022, 181, 107653.
10.Ling Zhang, Wei-Na Wu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yun-Chang Fan, Yuan Wang*, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A coumarin/cyanoacetamide-derived lysosome-targeting probe for detecting bisulfite and viscosity changes in living cells and zebrafish. Dyes and Pigments, 2022, 208, 110862.
11.Fang-Fang Guo, Wei-Na Wu, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yuan Wang*, Yun-Chang Fan, Chuan-Xiang Zhang*, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A water-soluble lysosome-targetable fluorescent probe for carboxylesterase detection and its application in biological imaging. Dyes and Pigments, 2022, 199, 110079.
12.Yu-Fei Song, Zhao, Wei-Na Wu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yuan Wang*, Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A simple colorimetric and fluorometric probe for rapid detection of CN- with large emission shift. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2022, 280, 121540.
13.Ling Zhang, Jin-Long Yan, Yuan Wang*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Wei-Na Wu*, Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Ling-Ling Yan, A novel indene-chalcone-based fluorescence probe with lysosometargeting for detection of endogenous carboxylesterases and bioimaging. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2022, 278, 121329.
14.Xiao-Hong Li, Xue-Feng Han, Wei-Na Wu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yuan Wang*, Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A quinoline-based probe for the ratiometric fluorescent detection of sulfite in lysosomes of living cells. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2022, 275, 121160.
15.Ling Zhang, Xue-Feng Han, Wei-Na Wu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yuan Wang*, F Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A "turn-on" chalcone-based probe for hydrogen sulfide and imaging applications in lysosomes of living cells and zebrafish, Microchem. J., 2022, 183, 107941.
16.Fang-Fang Guo, Xue-Feng Han, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yuan Wang*, Yun-Chang Fan, Wei-Na Wua*, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A ratiometric fluorescent probe for hydrogen sulfide in neat aqueous solution and its application in lysosome-targetable cell imaging. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2022, 270, 120835.
17.Yu-Fei Song, Hong-Xin Cai, Wei-Na Wu∗, Hai-Tao Zong, Ming Li, Yuan Wang∗, Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A simple hydrazone probe for recognition of Al3+ and PPi and its applicability in lysosomal imaging. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2022, 268, 120680.
18.Fang-Fang Guo, Wei-Na Wu, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yuan Wang*, Yun-Chang Fan, Chuan-Xiang Zhang*, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A deep-red lysosome-targetable fluorescent probe for detection of hypochlorous acid in pure water and its imaging application in living cells and zebrafish. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2022, 264, 120270.
19.Wen-Zhao Xue, Xue-Feng Han, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Wei-Na Wu*, Yuan Wang*, Zhou-Qing Xu, Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, An AIRE-active far-red ratiometric fluorescent chemosensor for specifically sensing Zn2+ and resultant Zn2+ complex for subsequent pyrophosphate detection in almost pure aqueous media. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2021, 263, 120169.
20.Liang-Liang Gao, Bei-Bei Wang, Xi Chen, Yuan Wang*, Wei-Na Wu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Ling-Ling Yan, Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Hydrazone derivative bearing coumarin for the relay detection of Cu2+ and H2S in an almost neat aqueous solution and bioimaging in lysosomes. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2021, 255, 119693.
21.Xufeng Hou, Zhensheng Li, Yunqiang Li, Qihang Zhou, Chunhui Liu, Dang Fan, JinjinWang, Ruijie Xu, Zhihong Xu, ICT-modulated NIR water-soluble fluorescent probe with large Stokes shift for selective detection of cysteine in living cells and zebrafish. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2021, 246, 119030.
22.Yang Wang, Xufeng Hou, Zhensheng Li, Chunhui Liu, Shanshan Hu, Chenming Li, Zhihong Xu*, Yuan Wang*, A novel hemicyanine-based near-infrared fluorescent probe for Hg2+ detection and its application in living cells imaging. Dyes and Pigments, 2020, 173, 107951.
23.Liang-Liang Gao, Su-Ping Li, YuanWang*, Wei-NaWu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Hui-Jun Li, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Quinoline-based hydrazone for colorimetric detection of Co2+ and fluorescence turn-on response of Zn2+. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2020, 230, 118025.
24.Liang-Liang Gao, Wan-Wan Wang, Wei-Na Wu*, Yuan Wang*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yun-Chang Fan, Hui-Jun Li, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Sensitive and selective fluorescent probe for hypochlorite in 100% aqueous solution and its application for lysosome-targetable cell imaging. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2020, 231, 118110.
25.Wan-Wan Wang, YuanWang, Wei-Na Wu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Zhou-Qing Xu, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Xiao-Xia Li*, Yun-Chang Fan, Pyrrole-quinazoline derivative as an easily accessible turn-off optical chemosensor for Cu2+ and resultant Cu2+ complex as a turn-on sensor for pyrophosphate in almost neat aqueous solution. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2020, 226, 117592.
26.Hao Wu, Yuan Wang, Wei-Na Wu*, Zhou-Qing Xu, Zhi-HongXu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Yun-Chang Fan, A novel ‘turn-on’ coumarin-based fluorescence probe with aggregationinduced emission (AIE) for sensitive detection of hydrazine and its imaging in living cells. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2019, 222, 117272.
27.Yuan Wang, Yu-Fei Song, Ling Zhang, Geng-Geng Dai, Rui-Fang Kang, Wei-Na Wu*, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Yun-Chang Fan, Fan, Lin-Yan Bian, A pyrazole-containing hydrazone for fluorescent imaging of Al3+ in lysosomes and its resultant Al3+ complex as a sensor for F-. Talanta, 2019, 203, 178-185.
28.Yuan Wang, Wan-Wan Wang, Wen-Zhao Xue, Wei-Na Wu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Zhou-Qing Xu, Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A simple hydrazone as a fluorescent turn-on multianalyte (Al3+, Mg2+, Zn2+) sensor with different emission color in DMSO and resultant Al3+ complex as a turn-off sensor for F- in aqueous solution. J. Lumin., 2019, 212, 191-199.
29.Zhi-Hong Xu*, Yuan Wang, Yang Wang, Jian-Yun Li, Wen-Feng Luo, Wei-Na Wu*, Yun-Chang Fan, AIE active salicylaldehyde-based hydrazone: A novel single-molecule multianalyte (Al3+ or Cu2+) sensor in different solvents. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2019, 212, 146-154.
30.Zhensheng Li*, Yang Liu, Xufeng Hou, Zhihong Xu*, Chunhui Liu, Fangzhen Zhang, Zhigang Xie, The crystal structures, spectrometric, photodynamic properties and bioimaging of β-β linked Bodipy oligomers. J. Lumin., 2019, 212, 306-314.
31.Yuan Wang , Hao Wu, Wei-Na Wu*, Xian-Jie Mao, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Zhou-Qing Xu*, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Yun-Chang Fan, Novel rhodamine-based colorimetric and fluorescent sensor for the dual-channel detection of Cu2+ and Co2+/trivalent metal ions and its AIRE activities. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2019, 212, 1-9.
32.Yuan Wang, Hao Wu, Wei-Na Wu*, Ya-Ping Yu, Xiao-Lei Zhao*, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Zhou-Qing Xu, Yun-Chang Fan, Aggregation-induced ratiometric emission active monocarbazone: Ratiometric fluorescent probe for Cu2+ in either solution or aggregation states. J. Lumin., 2018, 204, 289-295.
33.Wei-Na Wu, Hao Wu, Yuan Wang*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Zhou-Qing Xu*, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Yun-Chang Fan, A NIR sensor for cyanide detection and its application in cell imaging. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2018, 199, 141-145.
34.Wei-Na Wu, Hao Wu, Run-Bin Zhong, Yuan Wang*, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Zhou-Qing Xu*, Yun-Chang Fan, Ratiometric fluorescent probe based on pyrrole-modified rhodamine 6G hydrazone for the imaging of Cu2+ in lysosomes. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2019, 212, 121-127.
35.Xufeng Hou, Zhensheng Li, Bolun Li, Chunhui Liu, Zhi-Hong Xu*, An “off-on” fluorescein-based colormetric and fluorescent probe for the detection of glutathione and cysteine over homocysteine and itsapplication for cell imaging, Sens. Actuators, B: Chem., 2018, 260, 295-302.
36.Yuan Wang, Hao Wu, Wei-Na Wu*, Shou-Jie Li, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Zhou-Qing Xu, Yun-Chang Fan, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Bao-Zhong Liu*, An AIRE active Schiff base bearing coumarin and pyrrole unit: Cu2+ detection in either solution or aggregation states, Sens. Actuators, B: Chem., 2018, 260, 106-115.
37.Wei-Na Wu, Pan-Dong Mao, Yuan Wang*, Xian-Jie Mao, Zhou-Qing Xu, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Xiao-Lei Zhao*, Yun-Chang Fan, Xu-Feng Hou, AEE active Schiff base-bearing pyrene unit and further Cu2+-induced self-assembly process, Sens. Actuators, B: Chem., 2018, 258, 393-401.
38.Wei-Na Wu, Hao Wu, Yuan Wang*, Xian-Jie Mao, Xiao-Lei Zhao*, Zhou-Qing Xu, Yun-Chang Fan, Zhi-Hong Xu*, A highly sensitive and selective off–on fluorescent chemosensor for hydrazine based on coumarin β-diketone. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2018, 188, 80-84.
39.Wei-Na Wu, Pan-Dong Mao, Yuan Wang*, Xiao-Lei Zhao, Zhou-Qing Xu, Zhi-Hong Xu*, Yuan Xue*, Quinoline containing acetyl hydrazine: An easily accessible switch-on optical chemosensor for Zn2+. Spectrochim. Acta, Part A, 2018, 188, 324-331.
40.Yuan Wang, Pan-Dong Mao, Wei-Na Wu*, Xian-Jie Mao, Yun-Chang Fan, Xiao-Lei Zhao*, Zhou-Qing Xu, Zhi-Hong Xu*, New pyrrole-based single-molecule multianalyte sensor for Cu2+, Zn2+, and Hg2+ and its AIE activity, Sens. Actuators, B: Chem., 2018, 255, 3085-3092.
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