何伟伟,男,1982年出生。理学博士/教授。九三学社社员、许昌市第八届政协常委,中国化学会会员、中国生物物理学会会员、美国化学会会员。郑州大学、河南大学、华北水利水电大学兼职硕士生导师。表面微纳米材料研究所所长兼best365官网登录入口副院长。中原科技创新领军人才、河南省科技创新杰出青年、河南省学术技术带头人、河南省教育厅学术技术带头人、第十三届河南省青年科技奖获得者。分别于2004年(学士)和2007年(硕士)毕业于河南大学和华中师范大学;2010年7月毕业于国家纳米科学中心,获得凝聚态物理专业博士学位。2012年1月至2014年4月于美国食品与药品管理局访问学者(ORISE Fellowship)。已在国际专业杂志如J. Am. Chem. Soc., ACS Nano, Nano Today, Biomaterials等发表SCI收录论文100余篇,总引次数9000多次,10多篇先后入选ESI高被引或热点研究论文。授权国家发明专利12件。主持国家自然科学基金2项、河南省高层次人才特殊支持计划-中原科技领军人才项目、河南省科技创新杰出青年计划、河南省高校科技创新团队和河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划(结题优秀)。作为主要起草人起草国家纳米标准3部,已出版2部。出版中英文专著(章节)2部。获得河南省科技进步奖一等奖1项(第二完成人)、二等奖1项(第一完成人),河南省自然科学奖三等奖1项(第二完成人),河南省高等教育成果奖特等奖(第六完成人),美国化学会会员奖,河南省教育厅科技成果奖一等奖1项,河南省自然科学学术奖-河南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖3项和二等奖3项。
Publications List:
[107] Yaping Ren#; Xiaolin Zhou#; Xuejiao Gao; Jingjing Si; Wenhui Ren; Caixia Li; Qi Yang; Yunlong Zhou*; Feng Bai; Weiwei He*; Ultra-high antioxidant, anti-apoptosis and pro-angiogenesis effect of Mo2C nanosheets for treatment of diabetic wounds, Nano Today, 2024, 55, 102202. [Full article]

[106] Fangyi Cheng; Sumasri Kotha; Miao Fu; Qi Yang; Heng Wang; Weiwei He*; Xiaobo Mao*; Nanozyme enabled protective therapy for neurological diseases, Nano Today, 2024, 54, 102142. [Full article]

[105] Xinpeng Zhi; Qi Yang*; Xinghao Zhang; Hanbo Zhang; Ya Gao; Lulu Zhang; Yuping Tong*; Weiwei He*; Copper regulation of PtRhRuCu nanozyme targeted boosting peroxidase-like activity for ultrasensitive smartphone-assisted colorimetric sensing of glucose, Food Chemistry, 2024, 445, 138788. [Full article]

[104] Quan Liu#,Yaping Ren#, Huimin Jia, Hao Yuan, Yuping Tong, Sumasri Kotha, Xiaobo Mao,Yongwei Huang*, Chunying Chen, Zhi Zheng, Liming Wang*, Weiwei He*, Vanadium Carbide Nanosheets with Broad-Spectrum Antioxidant Activity for Pulmonary Fibrosis Therapy, ACS Nano, 2023, 17(22), 22527-22538 [Full article]

[103] Hongqi Geng , Xiumin Li , Xuejiao J. Gao , Yalin Cong , Quan Liu , Jianjiang Li , Yong Guan , Liming Wang*, Weiwei He*, Highly adhesive and catalytic VOxC nanosheets with strong antibacterial activity, Nano Today, 2023, 52, 101989. [Full article]

[102] Caixia Li, Ya Wang, Yuyang Chen, Huimin Jia, Weiwei He*, Synergistic photocatalytic nanozymes to promote contaminant removal and hydrogen production, Materials Today Sustainability, 2023, 24, 100537. [Full article]

[101] Jian Shi, Chunying Chao*, Yingying Gao, Hao Li, Suxiang Ge, Caixia Li, Xi Chen*, Weiwei He*, Oxygen vacancies assisted ferroelectric heterojunction for enhanced photocatalytic activity, Applied Surface Science, 2023, 624, 157144. [Full article]

[100] Qi Yang,Yuan-Yang Mao,Quan Liu,Wei-Wei He*, Metal nanozymes with multiple catalytic activities: regulating strategies and biological applications. Rare Metals, 2023, 42, 2928-2948.[Full article]

[99] Huimin Jia, Quan Liu, Jingjing Si, Yuyang Chen, Guo Zhou, Haihui Lan and Weiwei He*, Oxidation engineering triggered peroxidase-like activity of VOxC for detection of dopamine and glutathione, Nanoscale Adv., 2023,5, 5799-5809. [Full article]

[98] Jiawen Gong, Quan Liu, Linlin Cai*, Qi Yang, Yuping Tong, Xi Chen*, Sumasri Kotha, Xiaobo Mao, Weiwei He*, Multimechanism Collaborative Superior Antioxidant CDzymes To Alleviate Salt Stress-Induced Oxidative Damage in Plant Growth, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2023, 11, 10, 4237-4247. [Full article]

[97] Zheyuan Hu, Penghui Zhao, Aimei Liao, Long Pan, Jie Zhang, Yuqi Dong, Jihong Huang*, Weiwei He*, Xingqi Ou, Fermented Wheat Germ Alleviates Depression-like Behavior in Rats with Chronic and Unpredictable Mild Stress, Foods, 2023, 12(5), 920. [Full article]

[96] Quan Liu, Hanhan Wang, Qi Yang, Yuping Tong, Weiwei He, Metal–organic frameworks loaded Au nanozymes with enhanced peroxidase-like activity for multi-targeted biodetection, Mater. Adv., 2022, 3, 8557-8566. [Full article]

[95] Wei Li, Zhongzheng Huang, Yaduo Jia, Yunlong Cui, Peng Shi, Tingting Li, Hongwei Yue, Jinxiao Wang, Weiwei He, Xiaojie Lou, Sulfate assisted synthesis of α-type nickel hydroxide nanowires with 3D reticulation for energy storage in hybrid supercapacitors, Mater. Chem. Front., 2022, 6, 94-102.[Full article]

[94] Hongqi Geng, Zhijuan Li, Quan Liu, Qi Yang,Huimin Jia*, Qiang Chen, Aiguo Zhou, Weiwei He*, Boosting the peroxidase-like activity of Pt nanozymes by a synergistic effect of Ti3C2 nanosheets for dual mechanism detection, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 11693-11702.[Full article]

[93] Hongqi Geng, Yaping Ren, Gang Qin, Tao Wen*, Quan Liu, Haiyan Xu and Weiwei He*,Ti3C2 nanosheets with broad-spectrum antioxidant activity for cytoprotection against oxidative stress, RSC Adv., 2022,12, 11128-11138. [Full article]

[92] Lijun Wu, Shoujie Guo, Xiangjun Pu, Hongwei Yue, Hao Li, Pinjiang Li, Wei Li, Kun Cai,Wenjie Ding,Longfei Li,Yange Zhang,Wenjun Fa,Changchun Yang, Zhi Zheng*,Weiwei He*, Yuliang Cao*,Na0.91MnO2 with an Extended Layer Structure and Excellent Pseudocapacitive Behavior as a Cathode Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2022, 5, 4, 4505–4512. [Full article]

[91] Jun Zhao, Jiawen Gong, Jingnan Wei, Qi Yang*, Guangjie Li, Yuping Tong,* Weiwei He*, Metal Organic Framework Loaded Fluorescent Nitrogen-doped Carbon Nanozyme with Light Regulating Redox Ability for Detection of Ferric Ion and Glutathione, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2022, 618, 11-21. [Full article]

[90] Ya Wang, Caixia Li*, Xiaolong Zhang, Shan Li, Weiwei He*, WO3 supported PtRu nanoalloys with tunable composition for enhancing catalytic activity, Applied Surface Science, 2022, 587, 152893. [Full article]

[89] Zhankui Cui, Lixia Zhang, Ya Wang, Weiwei He*, Plasmon excitation facilitating generation of electrons and reactive oxygen species for broad spectrum photocatalytic activity, Applied Surface Science, 2022, 584, 152655. [Full article]

[88] Wei Li, Zhongzheng Huang, Yaduo Jia, Yunlong Cui, Peng Shi, Tingting Li, Hongwei Yue, Jinxiao Wang, Weiwei He, Xiaojie Lou*, Sulfate assisted synthesis of α-type nickel hydroxide nanowires with 3D reticulation for energy storage in hybrid supercapacitors, Mater. Chem. Front., 2022, 6, 94-102.
[87] Yan Lei, Ruijuan Qi, Miaoying Chen, Hong Chen, Chengcheng Xing, Fengrui Sui, Longyan Gu, Weiwei He, Yange Zhang, Takahiro Baba, Tetsuya Baba, Hong Lin, Takao Mori*, Kunihito Koumoto, Yuan Lin, Zhi Zheng*, Microstructurally Tailored Thin β-Ag2Se Films toward Commercial Flexible Thermoelectrics, Advanced Materials, 2022, 34, 2104786. [Full article]
[86] Chengcheng Xing, Yan Lei, Manying Liu, Sixin Wu, Weiwei He*, Zhi Zheng*, Environment-friendly Cu-based thin film solar cells: materials, devices and charge carrier dynamics, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2021, 23, 16469. [Full article]

[85] Jun Zhao, Hanhan Wang, Hongqi Geng, Qi Yang, Yuping Tong*, Weiwei He*, Au/N-Doped Carbon Dot Nanozymes as Light-Controlled Anti- and Pro-Oxidants,ACS Applied Nano Materials 2021, 4, 7, 7253-7263. [Full article]

[84] Yahui Zhang, Yuping Tong*, Xinyu Li, Shoujie Guo, Hailong Zhang, Xi Chen, Kun Cai, Linghe Cheng, Weiwei He*,Pebax Mixed-Matrix Membrane with Highly Dispersed ZIF-8@CNTs to Enhance CO2/N2 Separation, ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 29, 18566-18575. [Full article]

[83] Chuang Liu†, Min Zhang†, Hongqi Geng, Peng Zhang, Zhi Zheng*, Yunlong Zhou*, Weiwei He*,NIR enhanced peroxidase-like activity of Au@CeO2 hybrid nanozyme by plasmon-induced hot electrons and photothermal effect for bacteria killing, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 295, 120317. [Full article]

[82] Amanda Li†, Joel Tyson†, Shivni Patel†, Meer Patel, Sruthi Katakam, Xiaobo Mao* and Weiwei He*, Emerging Nanotechnology for Treatment of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease, Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol., 2021, 9, 672594. [Full article]
[81] Hanhan Wang, Jun Zhao, Chuang Liu, Yuping Tong*, and Weiwei He*, Pt Nanoparticles Confined by Zirconium Metal–Organic Frameworks with Enhanced Enzyme-like Activity for Glucose Detection, ACS Omega, 2021, 6, 7, 4807-4815. [Full article]

[80] Yuanyang Mao#, Fumin Jia#, Tianyun Jing, Tingting Li, Huimin Jia,* Weiwei He*, Enhanced Multiple Enzymelike Activity of PtPdCu Trimetallic Nanostructures for Detection of Fe2+ and Evaluation of Antioxidant Capability, ACS Sustainable Chem. Eng, 2021, 9, 1, 569-579. (#contributed equally) [Full article]

[79] Yu-Qing Liu#, Yuanyang Mao#, Enquan Xu, Huimin Jia, Shu Zhang, Valina L. Dawson, Ted M. Dawson, Yan-Mei Li*, Zhi Zheng*, Weiwei He*, Xiaobo Mao*, Nanozyme scavenging ROS for prevention of pathologic a-synuclein transmission in Parkinson's disease, Nano Today, 2021, 36, 101027.(#contributed equally) [Full article]

[78] Tao Wen, Jianbo Liu, Weiwei He, Aiyun Yang, Nanomaterials and Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), Chapter 8, Nanotechnology in Regenerative Medicine and Drug Delivery Therapy, Editors Haiyan Xu and Ning Gu, 2020, Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. ISBN 978-981-15-5385-1, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-5386-8
[77] Chuang Liu , Yingying Yan , Yuanyang Mao, Weiwei He*, Photo-enhanced enzyme-like activities of BiOBr/ PtRu hybrid nanostructures, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C, 2020, 38:4, 299-314.
[76] Huimin Jia,* Yuxing Li, Yuanyang Mao, Dufei Yu, Weiwei He*, Zhi Zheng, Room temperature synthesis of BiOBr1xIx thin fifilms with tunable structure and conductivity type for enhanced photoelectric performance, RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 41755.

[75] 毛远洋,贾会敏*,何伟伟, AuCu 双金属纳米颗粒的制备、表征及性能探究, 贵金属, 2020, 41, 25-30.
[74] Weiwei Tie, Zhaoyu Du, Hongwei Yue, Surjya Sarathi Bhattacharyya, Zhi Zheng, Weiwei He*, Seung Hee Lee*, Self-assembly of carbon nanotube/graphitic-like flflake/BiOBr nanocomposite with 1D/2D/3D heterojunctions for enhanced photocatalytic activity, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2020, 579,862–871.

[73] Xiaowei Zhang, Chunhui Liu, Wenhan Tian, Hui Zhang, Peirui Li, Jiahua Wang, Weiwei He*, Theoretical and experimental investigation of the antioxidative activity of monascin, Food Funct., 2020, 11, 5915. (Food & Function Recent HOT articles)

[72] Chuang Liu, Yingying Yan, Xiaowei Zhang, Yuanyang Mao, Xianqing Ren, Chaoyuan Hu, Weiwei He* and Jun-jin Yin, Regulating the pro- and anti-oxidant capabilities of bimetallic nanozymes for the detection of Fe2+ and protection of Monascus pigments, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 3068-3075.(2020 Nanoscale Hot article collection)

[71] Xu, Qijie; Wang, Wang, Yan; Chi, Mei; Hu, Hu, Wenbin; Zhang, Ning; He, Weiwei*, Porous Polymer-Titanium Dioxide/Copper Composite with Improved Photocatalytic Activity toward Degradation of Organic Pollutants in Wastewater: Fabrication and Characterization as well as Photocatalytic Activity Evaluation, Catalyst, 2020, 10, 310.
[70] Zhankui Cui,* Shuaishuai Guo, Jinhang Yan, Fei Li, Weiwei He,* BiOBr nanosheets with oxygen vacancies and lattice strain for enhanced photoelectrochemical sensing of doxycycline, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 512, 145695.

[69] Weiwei Tie, Jiaming Jin, Surjya Sarathi Bhattacharyya, Hongwei Yue, Yan Lei, Zhi Zheng, Weiwei He*, Seung Hee Lee*, Covalent bonding of ZnO nanostructures with dispersible carbon nanotubes for self-assembly photocatalytic heterostructures, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 492, 219-227.
[68] WeijuanLiu, ZongchangLi, HuiminJia*, LixiaZhang, WeiweiHe,* QingboMeng, Shell surface sulfidation mediated the plasmonic response of Au@Ag NPs for colorimetric sensing of sulfide ions and sulfur, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 481, 678-683.

[67] Xiaowei Zhang , Xiumei Jiang, Timothy R. Croley, Mary D. Boudreau, Weiwei He* , Junhui Cai, Peirui Li, Jun-Jie Yin*, Ferroxidase-like and antibacterial activity of PtCu alloy nanoparticles, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C, 2019, 37, 99-115.
[66] Lixia Zhang,Huimin Jia,Chuang Liu,Minying Liu,Qingbo Meng,Weiwei He*, Enhanced generation of reactive oxygen species and photocatalytic activity by Pt-based metallic nanostructures: the composition matters, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C, 2019, 37, 1-13.

[65] Zhankui Cui,* Hongtao Song, Suxiang Ge, Weiwei He,* Yuwen Liu, Fabrication of BiOCl/BiOBr hybrid nanosheets with enhanced superoxide radical dominating visible light driven photocatalytic activity, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 467–468, 505–513.
[64] Xiumei Jiang, Weiwei He,* Xiaowei Zhang, Yong Wu, Qian Zhang, Gaojuan Cao, Hui Zhang, Jiwen Zheng, Timothy R. Croley, Jun-Jie Yin*, Light-Induced Assembly of Metal Nanoparticles on ZnO Enhances the Generation of Charge Carriers, Reactive Oxygen Species, and Antibacterial Activity, J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 29414−29425.

[63] Weiwei Tie, Zhao Zheng, Chao Xu, Zhi Zheng, Surjya Sarathi Bhattacharyya, Weiwei He*, Seung Hee Lee, Facile synthesis of carbon nanotubes covalently modified with ZnO nanorods for enhanced photodecomposition of dyes, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 537, 652–660.

[62] Weiwei He*, Junhui Cai, Xiumei Jiang, Jun-Jie Yin and Qingbo Meng, Generation of reactive oxygen species and charge carriers in plasmonic photocatalytic Au@TiO2 nanostructures with enhanced activity, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018,20, 16117-16125.

[61] Chunying Chao,Yisha Zhou, Hao Li, Weiwei He, Wenjun Fa, Polarization-Induced Selective Growth of Au Islands on Single-Domain Ferroelectric PbTiO3 Nanoplates with Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity, Applied Surface Science, 2019, 466, 274-281.

[60] Weiwei He*, Junhui Cai, Hui Zhang, Lixia Zhang, Xiaowei Zhang, Jing Li, Jun-Jie Yin*,Formation of PtCuCo Trimetallic Nanostructures with Enhanced Catalytic and Enzyme-like Activities for Biodetection, ACS Appl. Nano Mater., 2018, 1, 222–231.
[59] Huimin Jia, Weiwei He*, Beibei Zhang, Lei Yao, Xiaokai Yang, Zhi Zheng*,Facile synthesis of bismuth oxyhalide nanosheet films with distinct conduction type and photo-induced charge carrier behavior, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 441, 832–840.
[58] Weiwei Tie, Surjya Sarathi Bhattacharyya, Yanan Wang, Weiwei He*, Seung Hee Lee,* Facile in-situ synthesis of a zinc oxide crystals/few-layered graphene flake composite for enhanced photocatalytic performance. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry, 2017, 348, 89–95.

[57] Tingting Li*, Congxu Zhu, Xiaogang Yang, Yuanhao Gao, Weiwei He, Hongwei Yue, Hongxiao Zhao, Co3O4 nanoneedle@electroactive nickel boride membrane core/shell arrays: A novel hybrid for enhanced capacity, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 246, 226–233.
[56] Yan Lei, Longyan Gu, Lulu Zheng, Xiaogang Yang, Weiwei He, Yuanhao Gao, Zhi Zheng, Wavelength-dependent charge carrier dynamics: the case of Ag2S/organic thin films heterojunction solar cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 252, 33–40.
[55] Weiwei He*, Xiangna Han, Huimin Jia, Junhui Cai, Yunlong Zhou*, Zhi Zheng, AuPt Alloy Nanostructures with Tunable Composition and Enzyme-like Activities for Colorimetric Detection of Bisulfide, Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 40103. (Undergraduate)

[54] Jing Li, Junhui Cai, Huimin Jia, Lixia Zhang, Yan Lei, Weiwei He*, Jun-Jie Yin* Formation of iron oxide/Pd hybrid nanostructures with enhanced peroxidase-like activity and catalytic reduction of 4-nitrophenol, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C, 2017, DOI:10.1080/10590501.2017.1328839.

[53] Xiaowei Zhang, Wenqing Liu, Xiying Chen, Junhui Cai, Changlu Wang*, Weiwei He*, Effects and Mechanism of Blue Light on Monascus in Liquid Fermentation, Molecules, 2017, 22, 385. (Undergraduate)
[52] Huimin Jia, Beibei Zhang, Weiwei He, Yong Xiang, Zhi Zheng*, Mechanistic insights into the photoinduced charge carrier dynamics of BiOBr/CdS nanosheet heterojunctions for photovoltaic application, Nanoscale, 2017,9, 3180-3187. (Undergraduate)
[51] Yan Li, Taichun Qin, Taylor Ingle, Jian Yan, Weiwei He, Jun‑Jie Yin, Tao Chen*, Differential genotoxicity mechanisms of silver nanoparticles and silver ions, Arch. Toxicol., 2017, 91, 509–519.
[50] Huimin Jia, Dongfang Yang, Xiangn Han, Junhui Cai, Haiying Liu, Weiwei He*, Peroxidase-like activity of the Co3O4nanoparticles used for biodetection andevaluation of antioxidant behavior, Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 5938-5945. (Undergraduate)

[49] Weiwei He*, Huimin Jia, Junhui Cai, Xiangna Han, Zhi Zheng, Wayne G. Wamer, and Jun-Jie Yin, Production of Reactive Oxygen Species and Electrons from Photoexcited ZnO and ZnS Nanoparticles: A Comparative Study for Unraveling their Distinct Photocatalytic Activities, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2016, 120 , 3187–3195

[48] Wei Zhang, Sunling Hu, Jun-Jie Yin, Weiwei He, Wei Lu, Ming Ma, Ning Gu, and Yu Zhang, Prussian Blue Nanoparticles as Multienzyme Mimetics and Reactive Oxygen Species Scavengers, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2016, 138, 5860–5865.

[47] Yan Lei, Longyan Gu, Weiwei He, Zuxiao Jia, Xiaogang Yang, Huimin Jia, Zhi Zheng*, Intrinsic Charge Carrier Dynamics and Device Stability of Perovskite/ ZnO Mesostructured Solar Cells in moisture, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2016, 4, 5474–5481
[46] Weiwei He, Huimin Jia, Dongfang Yang, Pin Xiao, Xiaoli Fan, Zhi Zheng, Hyun-Kyung Kim, Wayne G. Wamer, and Jun-Jie Yin, Composition Directed Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Irradiated Mixed Metal Sulfides Correlated with Their Photocatalytic Activities, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2015, 7, 16440–16449.

[45] Tao Wen, Weiwei He, Yu Chong, Yi Liu, Jun-Jie Yin, Xiaochun Wu, Exploring environment-dependent effects of Pd nanostructures on reactive oxygen species (ROS) using electron spin resonance (ESR) technique: implications for biomedical applications, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2015, 17, 24937-43.
[44]Weiwei He, Huimin Jia, Wayne G. Wamer, Zhi Zheng*, Pinjiang Li, John H. Callahan, Jun-Jie Yin*, Predicting and identifying reactive oxygen species and electrons for photocatalytic metal sulfide micro–nano structures, Journal of Catalysis, 2014, 320, 97–105.

[43] Weiwei He, Hyun-Kyung Kim, Wayne G Wamer, David Melka, John H Callahan, Jun-Jie Yin*, Photogenerated Charge Carriers and Reactive Oxygen Species in ZnO/Au Hybrid Nanostructures with Enhanced Photocatalytic and Antibacterial Activity.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2014, 136, 750-757. (ESI highly cited paper)

[42] Weiwei He, Haohao Wu, Wayne G. Wamer, Hyun-Kyung Kim, Jiwen Zheng, Huimin Jia, Zhi Zheng, Jun-Jie Yin*, Unraveling the Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity and Phototoxicity of ZnO/Metal Hybrid Nanostructures from Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species and Charge Carriers, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2014, 6, 15527−15535.

[41] Huimin Jia, Weiwei He*, Wayne G. Wamer, Xiangna Han, Beibei Zhang, Shu Zhang, Zhi Zheng, Yong Xiang, Jun-Jie Yin,* Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species, Electrons/Holes, and Photocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamine B by Photoexcited CdS and Ag2S Micro-Nano Structures, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2014, 118, 21447−21456.

[40] Meng Li, Weiwei He, Yi Liu, Haohao Wu, Wayne G. Wamer, Y. Martin Lo, and Jun-Jie Yin, Meng Li, Weiwei He, Yi Liu, Haohao Wu, Wayne G. Wamer, Y. Martin Lo, and Jun-Jie Yin, J. Agric. Food Chem., 2014, 62, 12052–12060.

[39] Weiwei He, Wayne Wamer, Qingsu Xia, Jun-jie Yin*, Peter P. Fu, Enzyme-Like Activity of Nanomaterials, Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part C,2014, 32, 186-211. (Invited review)
[38] Weiwei He, Yitong Liu, Wayne G Wamer, Jun-Jie Yin, Electron spin resonance spectroscopy for the study of nanomaterial-mediated generation of reactive oxygen species, J. Food Drug Anal.,2014, 22, 49-63. (Invited review)
[37] Weiwei He, Hongxiao Zhao, Huimin Jia, Jun-Jie Yin, Zhi Zheng, Determination of reactive oxygen species from ZnO micro-nano structures with shape-dependent photocatalytic activity, Mater. Res. Bull., 2014, 53, 246-250.
[36] Jinlai Dong, Lina Song, Jun-Jie Yin, Weiwei He, Yihang Wu, Ning Gu, Yu Zhang, Co3O4 Nanoparticles with Multi-Enzyme Activities and Their Application in Immunohistochemical Assay, ACS appl.Mater.Interfaces, 2014, 6, 1959-1970.
[35] Weiwei He, Yu-Ting Zhou, Wayne G Wamer, Xiaona Hu, Xiaochun Wu, Zhi Zheng, Mary D Boudreau, Jun-Jie Yin, Intrinsic catalytic activity of Au nanoparticles with respect to hydrogen peroxide decomposition and superoxide scavenging, Biomaterials,2013, 34, 765-773.

[34] Yu-Ting Zhou#, Weiwei He#;, Wayne Wamer, Xiaona Hu, Xiaochun Wu, Y Martin Lo, Jun-Jie Yin*, Enzyme-mimetic effects of gold@ platinum nanorods on the antioxidant activity of ascorbic acid, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 1583-1591. (#these two authors contributed equally)
[33] Yu-Ting Zhou, Weiwei He, Y Martin Lo, Xiaona Hu, Xiaochun Wu, Jun-Jie Yin, Effect of Silver Nanomaterials on the Activity of Thiol-Containing Antioxidants, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61, 7855-7862.

[32] Kun Zhao, Lizhi Zhang, Jiajun Wang, Qunxiang Li, Weiwei He, Jun Jie Yin, Surface structure-dependent molecular oxygen activation of BiOCl single-crystalline nanosheets, J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2013, 135, 15750-15753.
[31] Chia-Chi Wang, Shuguang Wang, Qingsu Xia, Weiwei He, Jun-Jie Yin, Peter P Fu, Jih-Heng Li, Phototoxicity of zinc oxide nanoparticles in HaCaT keratinocytes-generation of oxidative DNA damage during UVA and visible light irradiation, J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 2013, 13, 3880-3888.
[30] Zhihui Ai, Zhiting Gao, Lizhi Zhang, Weiwei He, Jun Jie Yin, Core–Shell Structure Dependent Reactivity of Fe@ Fe2O3 Nanowires on Aerobic Degradation of 4-Chlorophenol, Environ. Sci.Technol., 2013, 47, 5344-5352.
[29] Jing Jiang, Lizhi Zhang, Hao Li, Weiwei He, Jun Jie Yin, Self-doping and surface plasmon modification induced visible light photocatalysis of BiOCl, Nanoscale, 2013, 5, 10573-70581.
[28] Huimin Jia, Weiwei He, Yidong Zhang, Yan Lei, Yong Xiang, Shu Zhang, Zhi Zheng, Facile fabrication of CdS–poly (3-hexylthiophene) hybrid film with improved photo-current response for heterojunction solar cells, New Journal of Chemistry, 2013, 37, 3017-3023.
[27] Huimin Jia, Weiwei He, Yan Lei, Xuewu Chen, Yong Xiang, Shu Zhang, Woon Ming Lau, Zhi Zheng, Controllable fabrication of ternary ZnIn2S4 nanosheet array film for bulk heterojunction solar cells, RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 8909-8914.
[26] Yidong Zhang, Weiwei He, Hongxiao Zhao, Pinjiang Li, Template-free to fabricate highly sensitive and selective acetone gas sensor based on WO3 microspheres, Vacuum, 2013, 95, 30-34.
[25] Xiaona Hu, Aditya Saran, Shuai Hou, Tao Wen, Yinglu Ji, Wenqi Liu, Hui Zhang, Weiwei He, JunJie Yin, Xiaochun Wu, Au@PtAg core/shell nanorods: tailoring enzyme-like activities via alloying, RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 6095-6105.
[24] Zhi Zheng, Hongxiao Zhao, Wenjun Fa, Weiwei He, Ka-wai Wong, Raymund WM Kwok, Woon Ming Lau, Construction of cross-linked polymer films covalently attached on silicon substrate via a self-assembled monolayer, RSC Advances, 2013, 3, 11580-11585.
[23]Weiwei He, Yu-Ting Zhou, Wayne G. Wamer, Mary D. Boudreau, Jun-Jie Yin, Mechanisms of the pH dependent generation of hydroxyl radicals and oxygen induced by Ag nanoparticles, Biomaterials, 2012, 33, 7547-7555.

[22] Yan Lei, Huimin Jia, Weiwei He, Yange Zhang, Liwei Mi, Hongwei Hou, Guangshan Zhu, Zhi Zheng, Hybrid Solar Cells with Outstanding Short-Circuit Currents Based on a Room Temperature Soft-Chemical Strategy: The Case of P3HT:Ag2S, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 17392-17395.
[21] Weiwei He, Huimin Jia , Xiaoxiao Li , Yan Lei , Jing Li , Hongxiao Zhao , Liwei Mi , Lizhi Zhang and Zhi Zheng, Understanding the formation of CuS concave superstructures with peroxidase-like activity, Nanoscale, 2012,4, 3501-3506.
[20] Yidong Zhang, Weiwei He, Study of IV characteristics of ZnO film on Si substrate with Ag buffer layer by C-AFM, Microelectron. Int., 2012, 29, 35-39.
[19]Weiwei He, Huimin Jia, Hongxiao Zhao, Yan Lei, Zhi Zheng, Facile Fabrication of CuS Concaved Polyhedral Superstructures, Chem. Lett., 2012, 41, 349-350.
[18] Yidong Zhang, Weiwei He, Hongxiao Zhao, Pinjiang Li,Effect of APS-PAA Buffer Layer on the Tribological Behavior of ZnS Film on Quartz Substrate, Journal of Advanced Microscopy Research, 2012, 7, 282-285.
[17] Huimin Jia, Weiwei He, Xuewu Chen, Yan Lei, and Zhi Zheng, In-situ fabrication of halcogenide nanoflake arrays for hybrid solar cells: the case of In2S3/poly (3-hexylthiophene), J. Mater. Chem., 2011, 21, 12824-12828. (inside cover)
[16]Weiwei He, Shuai Hou, Xiaobo Mao, Xiaochun Wu, Yinglu Ji, Jianbo Liu, Xiaona Hu, Ke Zhang, Chenxuan Wang, Yanlian Yang, Qi Wang, Peptide-tailored assembling of Au nanorods, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47, 5482-5484.
[15]Weiwei He, Huimin Jia, Shanshan Guo and Zhi Zheng, Ultrasensitive Detection of Nickel (II) Ion by Capillary Electrophoresis-post Chemiluminescence with Field Amplified Sample Injection, Chemistry Letters, 2011, 40, 676.
[14]Weiwei He, Ying Liu, Jinshan Yuan, Jun-Jie Yin, Xiaochun Wu, Xiaona Hu, Ke Zhang, Jianbo Liu, Chunying Chen, Yinglu Ji, Yuting Guo, Au@Pt nanostructures as oxidase and peroxidase for use in immunoassays, Biomaterials, 2011, 32, 1139-1147. (ESI highly cited paper)

[13] Ke Zhang, Xiaona Hu, Jianbo Liu, Jun-Jie Yin, Shuai Hou, Tao Wen, Weiwei He, Yinglu Ji, Yuting Guo, Qi Wang, Xiaochun Wu, Formation of PdPt Alloy Nanodots on Gold Nanorods: Tuning Oxidase-like Activities via Composition, Langmuir, 2011, 27, 2796–2803.
[12] Hu X. N., Liu J. B., Hou S., Wen T., Liu W. Q., Zhang K., He W. W., Ji Y. L., Ren H. X., Wang Q., Wu X. C., Sci China Phys Mech Astron 2011, 54, 1749–1756.
[11] Yidong Zhang, Chuncai Pan, Yange Zhang, Weiwei He, Self‐template hydrothermal synthesis ZnS microspheres, Crystal Research and Technology, 2011, 46, 718-722.
[10] 张 珂,刘建波,胡晓娜,向彦娟,冯莉莉,何伟伟,侯 帅,郭玉婷,纪英露,周维亚,解思深,吴晓春, 金纳米棒核/贵金属壳杂化纳米结构的可控制备和性质调控, 物理,2011,40(9):0-0
[9]Weiwei He, Xiaochun Wu, Jianbo Liu, Xiaona Hu, Ke Zhang, Shuai Hou, Weiya Zhou, Sishen Xie, Design of AgM bimetallic alloy nanostructures (M=Au, Pd, Pt) with tunable morphology and peroxidase-like activity, Chemistry of Materials, 2010, 22, 2988-2994. (ESI highly cited paper)
[8] Weiwei He, Xiaochun Wu, Jianbo Liu, Ke Zhang, Weiguo Chu, Xiaona Hu, Weiya Zhou, and Sishen Xie, Formation of Pt-Ag alloy nanodots on Au nanorods via chemical etching with tunable optical and catalytic properties, Langmuir, 2010, 26, 4443-4448.
[7] Ji Liu, Weiwei He, Lijun Hu, Zheng Liu, Haiqing Zhou, Xiaochun Wu, Lianfeng Sun, Visible light detection using single-walled carbon nanotube film and gold nanoparticles or nanorods, Journal of Applied Physics, 2010, 117, 094311.
[6]Weiwei He, Xiaochun Wu, Jianbo Liu, Ke Zhang, Weiguo Chu, Xiaona Hu, Weiya Zhou, and Sishen Xie, Pt-guided formation of Pt-Ag alloy nanoislands on Au nanorods and improved methanol electro-oxidation, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2009, 113, 10505-10510.
[5]Ke Zhang, Yanjuan Xiang, Xiaochun Wu, Lili Feng, Weiwei He, Jianbo Liu, Weiya Zhou, Sishen Xie, Enhanced optical responses of Au@Pd core/shell nanobars, Langmuir, 2009, 25, 1162-1168.
[4] Lili Feng, Xiaochun Wu, Lirong Ren, Yanjuan Xiang, Weiwei He, Ke Zhang, Weiya Zhou, Sishen Xie, Well-controlled synthesis of Au@Pt nanostructures by gold-nanorod-seeded growth, Chem. Eur. J., 2008, 14, 9764-9771.
[3]WeiweiHe, Xingwang Zhou, Jianquan Lu, Capillary electrophoresis chemiluminescence detection of benserazide and levodopa in medopar tablets, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2007, 18, 91.
[2] Jianquan Lu*, Weiwei He, Chemiluminescence of luminol-potassium ferricyanide with benserazide and application in analytical chemistry, Chinese Chemical Letters, 2006, 17, 1233.
[1] Weiwei He, Xingwang Zhou, Jianquan Lu, Silmultaneous determinations of benserazide and levodopa by capillary electrophoresis chemiluminescence using an improved interface, Journal of Chromatography A, 2006, 1131, 289.
[1] 纳米催化材料与应用创新团队,河南省高校科技创新团队支持计划(19IRTSTHN026),河南省教育厅,团队负责人,2019.1-2020.12。
[2] 等离激元杂化纳米材料可见-近红外光活性增强作用机制与相关应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目(51772256),主持人,2018.1-2021.12。
[3] 可见-近红外等离激元纳米结构构建、光增强机制和太阳能应用探索,河南省科技创新人才计划(杰出青年)(174100510014),主持人,2017.1-2018.12。
[4] 金/氧化物杂化纳米结构可控构筑及活性氧自由基/光生载流子的形成机理与光催化性能研究,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(21303153),主持人,2014.1-2017.12(已结项)。
[5] 半导体微纳米结构光生活性氧自由基的形成及其与光催化和抗菌活性的相关性,河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划 (14HASTIT008),主持人,2014.1-2017.9(结题考核优秀)。
[6] 贵金属-半导体杂化纳米结构的构筑及光学和催化性质研究,河南省基础与前沿技术研究计划项目(112300410106),主持人,2011.1-2014.6。
[7] 卤氧铋基异质结薄膜太阳能电池的设计、制备及器件组装,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(61204009),参与人(第二),2012.1-2015.12(已结项)。
[1] 何伟伟, 贾会敏, 赵红晓, 韩向娜, 张贝贝, 杨东方, 王伟杰, 郑直, 半导体微纳米结构光生活性氧物种定性分析方法, 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201410083333.5
[2] 何伟伟,吴晓春,金核/银铂合金壳结构的岛状多孔三金属纳米棒及其制法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 200810116406.0
[3]何伟伟,吴晓春,一种金核/铂壳纳米棒模拟酶溶液及其制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 200910093031.5
[4] 贾会敏、张贝贝、何伟伟、王伟杰、郑直, 基于BiOBr/CdS异质结光电薄膜材料的制备方法, 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL201510104030.1
[5] 郑直,贾会敏,何伟伟,陈雪武,赵红晓,雷岩,李品将,张翼东,李静,基于In2S3网状纳米晶阵列与P3HT杂化薄膜的太阳能电池器件,中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201110057346.1.
[6] 郑直,贾会敏,何伟伟,赵红晓,李品将,雷岩,李大鹏,杨风岭, “在ITO导电玻璃上原位制备纳米网状硫铟锌三元化合物光电薄膜的化学方法” 中国发明专利,专利号:ZL 201010125445.4
2017年, 河南省青年科技奖,河南省优秀青年科技专家
[1] Weiwei He, Xingwang Zhou, Jianquan Lu, Silmultaneous determinations of benserazide and levodopa by capillary electrophoresis chemiluminescence, The 9th national conference of analytical chemistry of Chinese Chemical Society, Oct. 8th – 11st, 2006, Nanchang, China. Oral presentation.
[2] Weiwei He, Lili Feng, Ke Zhang, Xiaochun Wu, XPS characterization of multi-composition noble metal nanostructures, Conference of Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Sep. 4-6, 2008, Zhengzhou, China. Oral and poster presentation.
[3] Weiwei He, Xiaochun Wu, Shape and structure controlled synthesis of noble metal nanoparticles seeded by Au nanorods, The 3rd international conference of nanoscience and technology (Chian Nano 2009), Sep. 1-3, 2009, Beijing, China. Poster presentation.
[4] Weiwei He, Ke Zhang, Jianbo Liu, Xiaochun Wu, Controllable synthesis of bimetallic nanostructures with tunable optical and catalytic activity. The 27th national conference of Chinese Chemical Society, Jun. 20-23, 2010, Xiamen, China. Poster presentation.
[5] 贾会敏、何伟伟、雷岩、郑直,湿化学法大面积制备金属硫化物薄膜,2010年全国太阳能光化学与光催化学术会议, 2010, 8.5-7, 云南昆明(Poster presentation).
[6] 何伟伟、贾会敏、米立伟、郑直,Au@Pt nanostrctures as oxidase and peroxidase mimetics, 中国化学会第八届全国无机化学学术会议,2011,7.25-28,哈尔滨(Poster presentation) .
[7] Yuting Zhou, Weiwei He, Wayne G. Warmer, The effect of Au@Pt nanostructures on Autioxidant properties of ascorbic acid-An enzyme like activity study, 2012 IFT Annual Meeting & Food Expo, 2012, 7, 25th -28th , Las Vegas, NV.
[8] Weiwei He, Yuting Zhou, Junjie Yin, pH dependent generation of hydroxyl radicals and oxygen induced by Ag nanoparticles: Insights into the mechanism of biological activity, 2nd Annual FDA Foods Program Science and Research Conference, 2012, 8, 1st-2nd, White Oak, MD.
[9] Weiwei He, Wayne G. Warmer, Junjie Yin, Mechanisms and Applications of ZnO/Au Hybrid Nanostructures: Au Enhancing Effect on Photo-catalytic and Antibacterial Activity, 2013 MRS Spring Meeting Exhibit, 2013, May 27-31, San Francisco, CA.
[10] 何伟伟: 利用ESR研究纳米颗粒调节活性氧物种的产生及其相互作用, 第十四届全国太阳能光化学与光催化学术会议,2014, 7, 28-30, 黑龙江大学, 哈尔滨。(邀请报告)
[11] 何伟伟: 无机纳米颗粒调节活性氧物种的产生及测定, 2015年中西部无机化学学术会议,2015, 7月, 桂林理工大学, 昆明。(口头报告)
E-mail: heweiweixcu@gmail.com