现为美国化学会会员,美国化学会《J. Phys. Chem》、《Langmuir》、《Chem. Mater.》等杂志,英国皇家化学会《J. Mater. Chem.》、《CrystEngComm.》、《Nanoscale》以及ElSEVIER《Electrochem. Commun.》等杂志审稿人;中国能源学会常务理事、河南省优秀教师、河南省学术技术带头人,应用化学河南省重点学科学术带头人,并受聘于上海交通大学“金属基复合材料国家重点实验室”客座教授。主要从事表面及材料科学的研究工作,内容涉及材料化学,表面化学,无机化学,高分子化学,摩擦化学,材料物理等多学科的交叉,共发表SCI收录论文130余篇,其中40余篇发表在影响因子大于4的SCI源杂志,包括《J. Am. Chem. Soc.》、《Chem. Commun.》、《J. Mater. Chem.》、《Chem. Eur. J.》、《Cryst. Growth. Des.》、《J. Phys. Chem. B》、《J. Phys. Chem. C》、《Nanoscale》、《Chem. Mater.》、《CrystEngComm.》、《Electrochem. Commun.》、《Appl. Phys. Lett.》等国外著名杂志。
获得2008年教育部“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”50万元资助,2010年河南省科技创新杰出青年基金60万元资助,2008年河南省高校科技创新人才支持计划20万元资助(主持人);主持3项国家自然科学基金面上项目“以低能氢离子束为引发剂制备表面功能性可控的交联聚合物薄膜的研究”(基金号:20574058,主持人,25万元,已结项)、“硫族化合物-共轭聚合物杂化网状薄膜材料的原位制备、改性及光电转换性能研究” (基金号:20873118,主持人,34万元,已结项)、“基于室温制备的Ⅰ-Ⅵ族纳米晶的本体异质结薄膜太阳能电池界面微结构与光电转换性能研究”(基金号:21273192,主持人,85万元,正在进行)和河南省自然科学基金项目“纳米单晶碘化物薄膜材料的原位生长及表征”(基金号:611021900,主持人,4万元,已结项)。同时还主持河南省科技攻关项目及河南省国际合作与交流项目各一项。beat365正版唯一网站作为第一合作单位参与国家自然科学基金重大研究计划培育项目:“柔性基体上无机半导体纳米结构的低温化学可控制造及其光电转换性能研究”(项目编号:91023010,第二申请人,10/50万元),以及国家自然科学基金面上项目:“用于电催化CO2还原的多孔铜合金材料制备、结构与性能研究”(项目编号:21073070,第二)。
研究成果“以超热质子束为引发剂原位制备交联聚合物薄膜”获得2012年河南省教育厅优秀科技成果一等奖(豫教【2012】040262号)及河南省科技进步三等奖(第一完成人);四次获得河南省自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖;《原位生长由完美六角形单晶组成的碘化铅薄膜》等7篇研究论文获得河南省教育厅优秀科技论文一等奖;参与完成3项香港科学基金项目(Grant No. CUHK4106/98P;Grant No. 4315/98E;CUHK4440/99E);申请国家发明专利30余项,其中20余项已授权。
基于离子轰击、动量传递、以及相互作用截面等不为合成化学家所熟悉的概念,在国际上首次提出了“Chemistry with a tiny and light hammer”的新的化学反应机制来设计和实现化学反应(高分子交联聚合反应);通过对离子剂量和轰击能量的精确控制,在低能量氢离子(质子)的作用下,成功实现了可控制的交联聚合反应和纳米级超薄聚合物薄膜的制备。采用X-光光电子能谱(XPS)、原子力显微镜(AFM)、以及二次离子质谱(SIMS)等表征方法确证了这种在高分子科学领域全新的表面交联聚合反应技术。此方法无须用到溶剂或任何添加剂,同时可有效节省能量,不损伤聚合物表面的原有结构,对于开发新型纳米薄膜材料、生物适应性材料以及微电子器件等具有非常重要的研究意义。开发出了一条简单易行的元素直接反应途径来原位制备各种无机氧化物、碘化物、硒化物和硫化物半导体薄膜材料。这种方法反应快捷,操作方便,还可以避免其它湿法化学反应制备所造成的产品不纯的现象。同时不需要用到毒性较大的溶剂及任何表面活性剂,属于环境友好型反应,便于工业化生产和技术推广。这种方法已经在有机/无机杂化薄膜太阳能电池领域得到应用。
一、Selective publications:
12. Y. Lei, H. M. Jia, W. W. He, Y.G. Zhang, L.W. Mi, H.W. Hou, G.S. Zhu,Z. Zheng*, “Hybrid Solar Cells with Outstanding Short-Circuit Currents Based on a Room Temperature Soft-Chemical Strategy: The Case of P3HT:Ag2S”J. Am. Chem. Soc.134, 17392 (2012).
11.W. W. He, H. M. Jia, X. X. Li, Y. Lei, J. Li, H. X. Zhao, L. W. Mi, L. Z. Zhang,Z. Zheng*, “Understanding the formation of CuS concave superstructures with peroxidase-like activity”Nanoscale,4, 3501 (2012).
10. H.M. Jia, W.W. He, X.W. Chen, Y. Lei,Z. Zheng*, "In-situ fabrication of chalcogenide nanoflake arrays for hybrid solar cells: the case of In2S3/poly (3-hexylthiophene)",J. Mater. Chem.21, 12824 (2011).
9. D.P. Li,Z. Zheng*, Y. Lei, F.L. Yang, S.X. Ge, Y.D. Zhang, B.J. Huang, Y.H. Gao, K.W, Wong, W.M. Lau, “From Nanoplates to Microtubes and Microrods: A Surfactant Free Rolling Mechanism for Facile Fabrication and Morphology Evolution of Ag2S Films”Chem. Eur. J.17, 7694(2011).
8. S.X. Ge, H.M. Jia, H.X. Zhao,Z. Zheng*, L.Z. Zhang*, “First Observation of Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity of Carbon Modified Nb2O5Nanostructures”J. Mater. Chem.20, 3052(2010).
7.D.P. Li,Z. Zheng*, Z.Y. Shui, M.Q. Long, J. Yu, K.W. Wong, L. Yang, L.Z. Zhang, W.M. Lau, “Using Elemental Se and Ag to Grow Pure Ag2Se Dendrites/ Dendritic- Films of Highly Oriented (001) Nanocrystals”J. Phys. Chem. C112, 2845 (2008).
6.Z. Zheng*, A.R. Liu, S.M. Wang, B.J. Huang, X.T. Zhang, K.W. Wong, W.M. Lau, “Growth of highly oriented (110) CuI films with sharp exiton band”J. Mater. Chem.18, 852 (2008).
5.Z. Zheng*, B. J. Huang, H. Q. Ma, X. P. Zhang, Z. Liu, K. W. Wong, W.M. Lau, “Biomimetic growth of biomorphic CaCO3 with hierarchically ordered cellulosic structures”Cryst. Growth Des.7, 1912 (2007).
4.Z. Zheng, K.W. Wong,W.C. Lau,R.W.M. Kwok,W.M. Lau,“Unusual kinematics-driven chemistry: cleaving C-H but not COO-H bonds with hyperthermal protons to synthesize tailor-made molecular films”Chem. Eur. J.13, 3187 (2007).
3.Z. Zheng,R.W.M. Kwok,W.M. Lau,“A new cross-linking route via the unusual collision kinematics of hyperthermal proton in unsaturated hydrocarbon: the case of poly(trans-isoprene)”Chem. Commun.3122, (2006).
2.Z. Zheng*, A.R. Liu, S.M. Wang, Y. Wang, Z.S. Li, W.M. Lau, L.Z. Zhang, “In situ growth of epitaxial lead iodide films composed of hexagonal single crystals”J. Mater. Chem.15, 4555 (2005).
1.Z. Zheng, X.D. Xu, X.L. Fan, W.M. Lau R.W.M. Kwok, “Ultrathin polymer film formation by collision-induced cross-Linking of adsorbed organic molecules with hyperthermal protons”J. Am. Chem. Soc.126, 12336 (2004).
Full Publication list:
132. Y.Y. Bo, B.J. Huang, Y.G. Zhang, J. Wang, W.M. Lau,Z. Zheng*, "Controlled growth of biomorphic CuO via an one-step thermal decomposition on biotemplates",Powder Technol., 264, 396-400 (2014).
131. Y.H. Gao, R.L. Pan, Y.P. Tian, J. Li,Z. Zheng, "Syntheses and Optical Properties of Two Novel Terpyridine Derivatives",Chem. J. Chin. Univ.-Chin., 35 (7), 1439-1444 (2014).
130. Y.H. Gao, H.Z. Yang, Y.G. Zhang, J. Li, H.X. Zhao, J.J. Feng, J.T. Sun,Z. Zheng, "Facile non-injection synthesis of high quality CZTS nanocrystals",RSC Adv., 4 (34), 17667-17670 (2014).
129. Y.G. Zhang, P.J. Li, W.M. Lau, Y.H. Gao, J.F. Zi,Z. Zheng*, "A rational elemental-directed alcohol-thermal route to CdSe nanostructures for thin film solar cells",Mater. Chem. Phys., 145 (3), 441-445 (2014).
128. X.Z. Zhai, H.M. Jia, Y.E. Zhang, Y. Lei, J. Wei, Y.H. Gao, J.H. Chu, W.W. He, J.J. Yin,Z. Zheng*, "In situ fabrication of Cu2ZnSnS4 nanoflake thin films on both rigid and flexible substrates",Crystengcomm, 16 (27), 6244-6249 (2014).
127. X.G. Yang, R. Liu, C. Du, P.C. Dai,Z. Zheng, D.W. Wang, "Improving Hematite-based Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting with Ultrathin TiO2 by Atomic Layer Deposition",ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6 (15), 12005-12011 (2014).
126. W.W. He, H.X. Zhao, H.M. Jia, J.J. Yin,Z. Zheng*, "Determination of reactive oxygen species from ZnO micro-nano structures with shape-dependent photocatalytic activity",Mater. Res. Bull., 53, 246-250 (2014).
125. W.W. He, H.H. Wu, W.G. Wamer, H.K. Kim, J.W. Zheng, H.M. Jia,Z. Zheng, J.J. Yin, "Unraveling the Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity and Phototoxicity of ZnO/Metal Hybrid Nanostructures from Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species and Charge Carriers",ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 6 (17), 15527-15535 (2014).
124. W.T. Wei, L.W. Mi, Y. Gao,Z. Zheng, W.H. Chen, X.X. Guan, "Partial Ion-Exchange of Nickel-Sulfide-Derived Electrodes for High Performance Supercapacitors",Chem. Mat., 26 (11), 3418-3426 (2014).
123. T. Trebicky, P. Crewdson, M. Paliy, I. Bello, H.Y. Nie,Z. Zheng, X.L. Fan, J. Yang, E.R. Gillies, C.Y. Tang, H. Liu, K.W. Wong, W.M. Lau, "Cleaving C-H bonds with hyperthermal H-2: facile chemistry to cross-link organic molecules under low chemical-and energy-loads",Green Chem., 16 (3), 1316-1325 (2014).
122. S.X. Ge, B.B. Wang, D.P. Li, W.J. Fa, Z.Y. Yang, Z. Yang, G.Y. Jia,Z. Zheng, "Surface controlled photocatalytic degradation of RhB over flower-like rutile TiO2 superstructures",Appl. Surf. Sci., 295, 123-129 (2014).
121. R. Liu,Z. Zheng, J. Spurgeon, X.G. Yang, "Enhanced photoelectrochemical water-splitting performance of semiconductors by surface passivation layers",Energy Environ. Sci., 7 (8), 2504-2517 (2014).
120. Q. He, J.F. Zi, B.J. Huang, L.Y. Yan, W.J. Fa, D.P. Li, Y.G. Zhang, Y.H. Gao,Z. Zheng*, "Controlled growth and thermal decomposition of well-dispersed and uniform ZnSn(OH)(6) submicrocubes",J. Alloy. Compd., 607, 193-197 (2014).
119. L.W. Mi, Y.F. Chen,Z. Zheng, H.W. Hou, W.H. Chen, S.Z. Cui, "Beneficial metal ion insertion into dandelion-like MnS with enhanced catalytic performance and genetic morphology",RSC Adv., 4 (37), 19257-19265 (2014).
118. L.W. Mi, W.T. Wei,Z. Zheng, G.S. Zhu, H.W. Hou, W.H. Chen, X.X. Guan, "Ag+ insertion into 3D hierarchical rose-like Cu1.8Se nanocrystals with tunable band gap and morphology genetic",Nanoscale, 6 (2), 1124-1133 (2014).
117. J.F. Zhang, S. Zhang, H.T. Zhang, Y.G. Zhang,Z. Zheng, Y. Xiang, "Activated selenium for promoted formation of metal selenide nanocrystals in solvothermal synthesis",Mater. Lett., 122, 306-308 (2014).
116. J. Wei, Y. Lei, H.M. Jia, J.M. Cheng, H.W. Hou,Z. Zheng*, "Controlled in situ fabrication of Ag2O/AgO thin films by a dry chemical route at room temperature for hybrid solar cells",Dalton Trans., 43 (29), 11333-11338 (2014).
115. H.X. Zhao, J. Li, Y.D. Zhang, H.M. Jia, L.W. Mi,Z. Zheng*, "Copper Nanoparticles: Substituted Catalysts of Expensive Platinum for Methanol Oxidation",Asian J. Chem., 26 (10), 2954-2956 (2014).
114. H.M. Jia, W.W. He, W.G. Wamer, X.N. Han, B.B. Zhang, S. Zhang,Z. Zheng*, Y. Xiang, J.J. Yin, "Generation of Reactive Oxygen Species, Electrons/Holes, and Photocatalytic Degradation of Rhodamine B by Photoexcited CdS and Ag2S Micro-Nano Structures",J. Phys. Chem. C, 118 (37), 21447-21456 (2014).
113. C.X. Zhu, H.X. Zhao, W.J. Fa, X.G. Yang,Z. Zheng*, "Processing of diamond particle reinforced silicon(Ti) matrix composites by in-situ reactive sintering and their thermal properties",Ceram. Int., 40 (5), 7467-7472 (2014).
112. Z.K. Cui, M.M. Si,Z. Zheng, L.W. Mi, W.J. Fa, H.M. Jia, “Preparation and characterization of Ag3PO4/BiOI composites with enhanced visible light driven photocatalytic performance”.Catal. Commun., 42, 121-124(2013).
111. H.X. Zhao,Z. Zheng*, J. Li, H.M. Jia, K.W. Wong, Y.D. Zhang, W.M. Lau, “Substitute of Expensive Pt with Improved Electrocatalytic Performance and Higher Resistance to CO Poisoning for Methanol Oxidation: the Case of Synergistic Pt-Co3O4 Nanocomposite”,Nano-Micro Lett., 5(4), 296-302 (2013).
110.L.W. Mi,Y.F. Chen, W.T. Wei, W.H. Chen, H.W. Hou,Z. Zheng, “Large-scale urchin-like micro/nano-structured NiS: controlled synthesis, cation exchange and lithium-ion battery applications”,Rsc Adv., 3(38), 17431-17439(2013).
109.H.M. Jia, W.W. He, Y.D. Zhang, Y. Lei, Y. Xiang, S. Zhang,Z. Zheng*, "Facile fabrication of CdS–poly(3-hexylthiophene) hybrid film with improved photo-current response for heterojunction solar cells",New. J. Chem.37, 3017 (2013).
108. Y.H. Gao, X.Z. Zhai, Y.G. Zhang, Z.H. Xu, P.J. Li,Z. Zheng*, “Self-assembled cabbage-like NaInS2microstructures with efficient visible light photocatalytic performance”,Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 203, 44, (2013).
107.J. Li,H.X. Zhao,X.H. Chen,H.M. Jia,Z. Zheng*,"In situ fabricate Cu2S thin film with hierarchical petal-like nanostructures",Mater. Res. Bull., 48, 2940 (2013).
106. L.W. Mi, W.T. Wei,Z. Zheng, Y. Gao, Y. Liu, W.H. Chen, X.X. Guan, "Tunable properties induced by ion exchange in multilayer intertwined CuS microflowers with hierarchal structures",Nanoscale,5, 6589 (2013).
105.W.J. Fa, L.L. Guo, J. Wang, R. Guo,Z. Zheng, F.L. Yang, "Solid-phase photocatalytic degradation of polystyrene with TiO2/Fe(St)3as catalyst",J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 128(5), 2618 (2013).
104.L.W. Mi, Z. Li, W.H. Chen, Q. Ding, Y.F. Chen, Y.D. Zhang, S.S. Guo, H.M. Jia, W.W. He,Z. Zheng, "3D Cu2-xSe nano/micropeony architectures: Large-scale solvothermal synthesis, characterization, and catalytic properties",Thin solid films, 534,22 (2013).
103. W.H. Chen, Q. Ding, S.S. Guo, Y.F. Chen, Z. Li, L.W. Mi,Z. Zheng, "Synthesis and Characterization of Uniform ZnS Sphere Crystalline by Using a Zinc Coordination Complex as Precursor",Asian J. Chem., 25, 2583 (2013).
102. L.W. Mi, Q. Ding, W.H. Chen, L. Zhao, H.W. Hou, C.T. Liu, C.Y. Shen,Z. Zheng*, "3D porous nano/micro nickel sulfides with hierarchical structure: controlled synthesis, structure characterization and electrochemical properties",Dalton Trans., 42, 5724 (2013).
101. B.J. Huang, M.Y. Liu, Y.G. Zhang, P.J. Li,Z. Zheng*, "Synthesis of Zr-doped TiO2templated from cloth and its photocatalytic activity",Ionics, 19, 681 (2013).
100. J. Li, W.J. Fa, Y.S. Li, H.X. Zhao, Y.H. Gao,Z. Zheng*, "Simultaneous phase and morphology controllable synthesis of copper selenide films by microwave-assisted nonaqueous approach",Solid State SCI.,16, 125 (2013).
99. Y.D. Zhang, S.S. Guo,Z. Zheng*, "Nanocrystalline Ho3+-doped WO3: a promising material for acetone detection",J. Exp. Nanosci., 8, 184 (2013).
98. H.M. Jia, W.W. He, Y. Lei, X.W. Chen, Y. Xiang, S. Zhang, W.M. Lau,Z. Zheng*, "Controllable fabrication of ternary ZnIn2S4nanosheet array film for bulk heterojunction solar cells",RSC Adv., 3, 8909 (2013).
97.Z. Zheng*, H.X. Zhao, W.J. Fa, W.W. He, K.W. Wong, R.W.M. Kwok, W.M. Lau, "Construction of cross-linked polymer films covalently attached on silicon substrate via a self-assembled monolayer",RSC Adv., 3, 11580 (2013).
96. L.W. Mi, Q. Ding, H. Sun, W.H. Chen, Y.Y. Zhang, C.T. Liu, H.W. Hou,Z. Zheng*, C.Y. Shen, "One-pot synthesis and the electrochemical properties of nano-structured nickel selenide materials with hierarchical structure",CrystEngComm., 15, 2624 (2013).
95. W.W. He, Y.T. Zhou, W.G. Wamer, X.N. Hu, X.C. Wu,Z. Zheng, M.D. Boudreau, J.J. Yin, "Intrinsic catalytic activity of Au nanoparticles with respect to hydrogen peroxide decomposition and superoxide scavenging",Biomaterials, 34, 765 (2013).
94. Y.Q. Li, Y.G. Zhang, Y. Lei, P.J. Li, H.M. Jia, H.W. Hou,Z. Zheng*, "In situ fabrication of Bi2S3nanocrystal film for photovoltaic devices",Mat. Sci. Eng. B-Solid., 177, 1764 (2012).
93. L.B. Fan, P. Wang,Z. Zheng*, X.B. Zhu, Z.H. Zhang, Y.G. Zhang, P.J. Li, M.Y. Yang, "Perfect peony-like PbS films in situ synthesized on flexible lead foils",Mater. Res. Bull., 47, 3238 (2012).
92. Y. Lei, H.M. Jia, W.W. He, Y.G Zhang, L.W Mi, H.W. Hou, G.S. Zhu,
Z. Zheng*, "Hybrid Solar Cells with Outstanding Short-Circuit Currents Based on a Room Temperature Soft-Chemical Strategy: The Case of P3HT:Ag2S",J. Am. Chem. Soc., 42, 17392 (2012).
91. Y.D. Zhang, P.J. Li, B.J. Huang, Q.Y. Li,Z. Zheng, "Using Zn as target to fabricate ZnO coating by thermal oxidation in air on quartz substrate",Opt. Commum., 285. 4290(2012).
90. B.J. Huang, Q. He, W.J. Fa, P.J. Li, Y.D. Zhang,Z. Zheng*, "Rapid sonochemicalpreparation of shape-selective lead iodide",Mater. Res. Bull., 47, 2599 (2012).
89. Y.D. Zhang, L.W Mi, Q.Y. Li,Z. Zheng, "Investigation on nano-frictional performance of glucose-assisted ZnO sol-gel film on quartz substrate",Wear, 294, 313 (2012).
88. Y.D. Zhang, L.W Mi,Z. Zheng, "Study on the structure and optical property of Zn1-xCuxO sol-gel thin films on quartz substrate",Physica B: Condensed Matter, 407, 2254 (2012).
87. W.W. He, H.M. Jia, X.X. Li, Y. Lei, J. Li, H.X. Zhao, L.W. Mi, L.Z. Zhang,Z. Zheng*, "Understanding the formation of CuS concave superstructures with peroxidase-like activity",Nanoscale, 4, 3501 (2012).
86. C.G. Xing, S.X. Ge, B.J. Huang, Y.Y. Bo, D. Zhang,Z. Zheng*, "Biomimetic synthesis of hierarchical crystalline hydroxyapatite fibers in large-scale",Mater. Res. Bull., 47, 1572 (2012).
85. H.J. Wang, Y.Y. Sun, Y. Cao, K. Wang, L.Yang, Y.D. Zhang,Z. Zheng, "Is there an optimal topographical surface in nano-scale affecting protein adsorption and cell behaviors? Part II",J. Nanopart. Res.,14(5), 862 (2012).
84. W.W. He, H.M. Jia, H.X. Zhao, Y. Lei,Z. Zheng, "Facile Fabrication of CuS Concaved Polyhedral Superstructures",Chem. Lett., 41, 349 (2012).
83. F.F. Wang,Z. Zheng, F.L. Jia, "Enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting on Pt-loaded TiO2nanorods array thin film",Mater. Lett., 71, 741 (2012).
82. L.W. Mi, H. Sun, Q. Ding, W.H. Chen, C.T. Liu, H.W. Hou,Z. Zheng*, C.Y. Shen, "3D hierarchically patterned tubular NiSe with nano-/microstructures for Li ion battery design",Dalton Trans., 41, 12595 (2012).
81. L.W. Mi, Q. Ding, W.H. Chen,Z. Zheng, H.W. Hou, C.T. Liu, C.Y. Shen, "Large-scale stereoscopic structured heazlewoodite microrod arrays and scale-like microsheets for lithium-ion battery applications",RSC Adv., 2, 6817 (2012).
80. Z. Li, L.W. Mi, W.H. Chen, H.W. Hou, C.T. Liu, H.L. Wang,Z. Zheng*, C.Y. Shen, "Three-dimensional CuS hierarchical architectures as recyclable catalysts for dye decolorization",CrystEngComm., 14, 3965 (2012).
79. Y.D. Zhang, G.F. Sun, H.X. Zhao, J. Li,Z. Zheng, "An Au buffer layer for the growth of a ZnO sol-gel film on a Si substrate",Phys. Scr.,84(4), 045402 (2012).
78. Y. Lei, H. M. Jia,Z. Zheng*, Y. H. Gao, X. W. Chen, H. W. Hou, “A very facile, low temperature, one-step route to in situ fabricate copper sulfide nanosheet thin films”CrystEngComm, 13, 5460 (2011).
77. Y. D. Zhang, L. W. Wang, L. W. Mi, F. L. Yang,Z. Zheng, “Silica-controlled structure and optical properties of zinc oxide sol–gel thin films”J. Mater. Res. 26,882 (2011).
76. Y. H. Gao,Z. Zheng*, F. L. Yang, F. J. Zhang, P. J. Li, W. J. Fa, H. M. Jia, H. X. Zhao, “Design and synthesis of ternary semiconductor Cu7.2(SexS1-x)4nanocrystallites for efficient visible light photocatalysis”CrystEngComm.13, 1441 (2011).
75. Z.Y. Bai, L. Yang, Y.M. Guo,Z. Zheng, C.G. Hu, P.L. Xu, “High-efficiency palladium catalysts supported on ppy-modified C(60) for formic acid oxidation”Chem. Commun.47, 1752(2011).
74.Y. D. Zhang, W. Q. Zhang, Y. H. Gao,Z. Zheng*, “Tunable Morphology and Ethanol-Sensing Performance by Sintering Temperature of WO3-Based Ceramics”Synth. React. Inorg. Met.41, 639 (2011).
73. Z. H. Ai, M. Wang,Z. Zheng*, L. Z. Zhang, “Doping iodine in CdS for pure hexagonal phase, narrower band gap, and enhanced photocatalytic activity”J. Mater. Res., 26, 1 (2011).
72. Y. G. Zhang, P. J. Li, W. J. Fa, Y. H. Gao, K. W. Wong,Z. Zheng*, “One-pot hydrothermal formation of phenol formaldehyde resin/carbon nanotube composites”Solid State Sci.13, 1339 (2011).
71.Y. H. Gao,Z. Zheng, Y. P. Tian, Y. D. Zhang, Y. G. Zhang, “Growth and Transformation Mechanism of Ternary CuAgSe Dendrites from Binary Ag2Se Dendrites”Eur. J. Inorg. Chem.4198 (2011).
70.Y. D. Zhang, P.J. Li, C. C. Pan,Z. Zheng, “dl-Aspartic Acid-Mediated Hydrothermal Synthesis of β-ZnS Microspheres and Their Optical Properties”Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.637, 1522(2011).
69. H. J. Wang, Y. Cao, Y. Y. Sun, K. Wang, C. Cao, L. Yang, L; Y. D. Zhang, YD,Z. Zheng, “Is there an optimal topographical surface in nanoscale affecting protein adsorption and cell behaviors?”J. Nanopart. Res.13, 4201 (2011).
68. Z. H. Xu, L. K. Zhang, R. Guo, T. C. Xiang, C. Z. Wu,Z. Zheng, F. L. Yang, “A highly sensitive and selective colorimetric and off-on fluorescent chemosensor for Cu(2+) based on rhodamine B derivative”,Sensor Actuatb. Chem.156, 546 (2011).
67. Y. H. Gao, Y. P. Tian, J. X. Yang, F. L. Yang, J. Li,Z Zheng,“Synthesis, Structure and Optical Properties of a D-pi-A Type 2,2 ':6 ',2 ''-Terpyridine Derivative”Chem. J. Chinese U.32,1755 (2011).
66. W. W. He, H. M. Jia, S. S. Guo,Z. Zheng, “Ultrasensitive Detection of Nickel(II) Ion by Capillary Electrophoresis-Post Chemiluminescence with Field-amplified Sample Injection”Chem. Lett.40, 676 (2011).
65. H.M. Jia, W.W. He, X.W. Chen, Y. Lei,Z. Zheng*, "In-situ fabrication of chalcogenide nanoflake arrays for hybrid solar cells: the case of In2S3/poly (3-hexylthiophene)",J. Mater. Chem.21, 12824 (2011).
64. M.Y. Liu, L.Z. Zhang,* K.W. Wang,Z. Zheng*, "Low Temperature Synthesis of δ-Bi2O3Solid Spheres and Their Conversion to Hierarchical BiOI Nests via the Kirkendall Effect",CrystEngComm, 13, 5460 (2011).
63. D.P. Li,Z. Zheng*, Y. Lei, F.L. Yang, S.X. Ge, Y.D. Zhang, B.J. Huang, Y.H. Gao, K.W, Wong, W.M. Lau, “From Nanoplates to Microtubes and Microrods: A Surfactant Free Rolling Mechanism for Facile Fabrication and Morphology Evolution of Ag2S Films”Chem. Eur. J.17, 7694(2011).
62. Z. Li, W.H. Chen, H.L. Wang, Q. Ding, H.W. Hou, J.M. Zhang, L.W. Mi*,Z. Zheng*, "Large-scale synthesis and catalysis properties of micro-structured snowflake Cu2S from a single source Cu(II) coordination complex",Mater. Lett.65, 1785 (2011).
61. S.X. Ge, Z.Y. Shui,Z. Zheng*, L.Z. Zhang*, “A general microwave-assisted nonaqueous approach to nanocrystalline ternary metal chalcogenide and the photoluminescence study of CoIn2S4”Opt. Mater.,33, 1174 (2011).
60. S.X. Ge, L.Z. Zhang*,Z. Zheng*, “Porous In(OH)xSyHollow Nanocubes: Low Temperature Reaction Design, Shape Evolution, Growth Mechanism, and Photoluminescent Property”J. Nanoparticle Res.,13, 4121 (2011).
59. H.X. Zhao*, H.M. Jia, S.M. Wang, D.Q. Xue,Z. Zheng*, “Fabrication and application of MFe2O4(M=Zn, Cu) nanoparticles as anodes for Li ion batteries”J. Exp. Nanosci.6, 75 (2011).
58. J. Li, H.X. Zhao,* H.M. Jia, L.K. Zhang, Y.H. Gao,Zhi Zheng*, "Unusual Synthesisof Highly (111) Oriented Crystalline CuI"Chem. Lett.40, 68 69 (2011).
57. L.W. Mi, W.H. Chen, F.L. Yang, J.M. Zhang, C.Y. Shen,Z. Zheng*, “Preparation of ZnO Microflowers from a Single Source Reactant"Asian J. Chem.23, 377(2011).
56. Y.D. Zhang, H.M. Jia, P.J. Li, F.L. Yang,Z. Zheng*, “Influence of glucose on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin fillms prepared by sol-gel method”Optics Commun.284, 236 (2011).
55. Y.D. Zhang, W.J. Fa, F.L.Yang,Z. Zheng, P.Y. Zhang, “Effect of annealing temperature on the structural and optical properties of ZnO thin films prepared by sol-gel method”Ionics, 16, 815 (2010).
54. L.W. Mi, M.L. Han, Z. L., Y.M. Wang, C.Y. Shen, andZ. Zheng, “Transformation of a zinc inclusion complex to wurtzite ZnS microflowers under solvothermal conditions”Cryst. Res. Technol.45, 973 (2010).
53. K.W. Wang, F.L. Jia,Z. Zheng, L.Z. Zhang, “Crossed BiOI flake array solar cells”Electrochem. Commun.12, 1764 (2010).
52.Y.M. Guo, J. Zhang, L. Yang, H.J. Wang, F.F. Wang,Z. Zheng, “Syntheses of amorphous and crystalline cupric sulfide nanoparticles and study on the specific activities on different cells”Chem. Commun.46, 3493 (2010).
51. L.W. Mi, M.L. Han, Z. Li, F.L. Yang, C.Y. Shen,Z. Zheng*, “Zinc Coordination Complex for use in Uniform ZnS Microflowers Synthesis”Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.636, 1913, (2010).
50. S.X. Ge, H.M. Jia, H.X. Zhao,Z. Zheng*, L.Z. Zhang, “First Observation of Visible Light Photocatalytic Activity of Carbon Modified Nb2O5Nanostructures”J. Mater. Chem.20, 3052(2010).
49. D.P. Li,Z. Zheng,* Y. Lei, S.X. Ge,Y.D. Zhang, Y.G. Zhang, F.L. Yang, K.W. Wong,W.M. Lau, “Design andgrowthof dendritic Cu2−xSe and bunchy CuSe hierarchical crystalline aggregations”,CrystEngComm.12, 1856(2010).
48. Y.D. Zhang,Z. Zheng,* F.L.Yang, “Highly Sensitive and Selective Alcohol Sensors based on Ag-Doped In2O3Coating”Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.49,3539(2010).
47. Y.D. Zhang, G.C. Jiang, K.W. Wong,Z. Zheng*, “Green Synthesis of Indium Oxide Hollow Spheres with Specific Sensing Activities for Flammable Organic Vapors”Sensor Lett.8, 355(2010).
46. H.J. Wang, L. Yang, H.Y. Yang, K.Wang, W.G. Yao, K. Jiang, X.L. Huang,Z. Zheng, “Antineoplastic activities of protein-conjugated silver sulfide nano-crystals with different shapes”J. Inorg. Biochem.104, 87(2010).
45. S.X. Ge,Z. Zheng*, “Phase controllable synthesis of unusual 3-Ga2O3single crystals with promising luminescence property”Solid State Sci.11, 1592 (2009).
44. Y.G. Zhang, L.Y. Chen,Z. Zheng*, F.L. Yang, “A redox-hydrothermal route toβ-MnO2hollow octahedrons”Solid State Sci.11, 1265 (2009).
43. H.M. Jia,Z. Zheng*, H.X. Zhao, L.Z. Zhang, Z.G. Zou, “Nonaqueous sol–gel synthesis and growth mechanism of single crystalline TiO2nanorods with high photocatalytic”Mater. Res. Bull.44, 1312 (2009).
42. S.X. Ge, L.Z. Zhang, H.M. Jia,Z. Zheng*, “Microwave-Assisted Synthesis of Various Gallium Oxyhydroxide Nanorods and Their Controllable Conversion into Different Gallium Oxide Polymorphs”,J. Mater. Res.24, 2268 (2009).
41. Y. G. Zhang,Z. Zheng*, K.W. Wong, F.L. Yang, Z.D. Zhang, “Simultaneous phase- and morphology-controlled synthesis of MnO2crystals through controlled release of cuprous ions in hydrothermal condition”,J. Mater. Res.24, 58 (2009).
40. H. Qiao, L.F. Xiao,Z. Zheng, H.W. Liu, F.L. Jia, L.Z. Zhang, “One-pot synthesis of CoO/C hybrid microspheres as anode materials for lithium-ion batteries”,J. Power Sources185, 486 (2008).
39. J.M. Gong, X.L. Hu, K.W. Wong,Z. Zheng, L. Yang, W.M. Lau, and R.X. Du, “Chitosan Nanostructures with Controllable Morphology by a Non-aqueous Electrochemical Approach”,Adv. Mater.20, 2111 (2008). (impact factor: 8.2).
38.Z. Zheng*, A.R. Liu, S.M. Wang, B.J. Huang, X.T. Zhang, K.W. Wong, W.M. Lau, “Growth of highly oriented (110) CuI films with sharp exiton band”,J. Mater. Chem.18, 852 (2008). (impact factor: 4.3).
37.Z. Zheng*, A.R. Liu, S.M. Wang, B.J. Huang, X.M. Ma, H.X. Zhao, D.P. Li, L.Z. Zhang, “In-situ fabrication of AgI films on various substrates”,Mater. Res. Bull.43, 2491 (2008). (impact factor: 1.5).
36. D.P. Li,Z. Zheng*, Z.Y. Shui, M.Q. Long, J. Yu, K.W. Wong, L. Yang, L.Z. Zhang, W.M. Lau, “Using Elemental Se and Ag to Grow Pure Ag2Se Dendrites/ Dendritic- Films of Highly Oriented (001) Nanocrystals”,J. Phys. Chem. C112, 2845 (2008).
35. L. Xi,Z. Zheng, N.S. Lam, H.Y. Nie, O.G. Grizzi, W.M. Lau, “Study of the Hyperthermal Proton Bombardment Effects on Self-Assembled Monolayers of Dodecanethiol on Au(111)”,J. Phys. Chem.C 112, 12111 (2008).
34. H.M. Jia, W.J. Xiao, L.Z. Zhang,Z. Zheng*, H.L. Zhang, F. Deng, “In-situ L-hydroxyproline Functionalization and Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2Nanorods”,J. Phys. Chem. C112, 11379 (2008).
33. Y. Hu,Z. Zheng, H.M. Jia, Y.W. Tang, L.Z. Zhang, “Selective Synthesis of FeS and FeS2Nanosheets Films on Iron substrates as Novel Photocathodes for Tandem Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells”,J. Phys. Chem. C112, 13037 (2008).
32. L. Yang, H.Y. Yang, Z.X. Yang, X.M. Ma, Y.X. Cao, Z.S. Lu,Z. Zheng, “Observation of rotated-oriented attachment during the growth of Ag2S nanorods under mediation of protein”,J. Phys. Chem. B112, 9795 (2008). (impact factor: 4.0).
31. L.W. Mi, L.H. Qin, W.H. Chen,Z. Zheng*, “Use of Cadmium Inclusion Complex for the Preparation of Crystalline CdS Materials”Synth. React. Inorg. Chem., 38, 673 (2008).
30. L. Yang, H.J. Wang, H.Y. Yang, S.H. Liu, B.F. Zhang, K. Wang, X.M. Ma,Z. Zheng, “Shape-controlled synthesis of protein-conjugated silver sulfide nanocrystals and study on the inhibition of tumor cell viability”,Chem. Commun.2995, (2008).
29. H. Qiao,Z. Zheng, L.Z. Zhang, L.F. Xiao, “SnO2@C core-shell spheres: synthesis, characterization, and performance in reversible Li-ion storage”,J. Mater. Sci.43, 2778 (2008).
28. C.Y. Choi,Z. Zheng, K.W. Wong, Z.L. Du, W.M. Lau, R.X. Du, “Fabrication of cross-linked multi-walled carbon nanotube coatings with improved adhesion and intrinsic strength by a two-step synthesis: electrochemical deposition and hyperthermal proton bombardment”,Appl. Phys. A91, 403 (2008).
27. H. Xu,Z. Zheng, H.L. Zhang, F. Deng, L.Z. Zhang, “Hierarchical chlorine doped rutile TiO2spherical clusters of nanorods: Large scale synthesis and high photocatalytic activity”,J. Solid State Chem.181, 2516, (2008).
26. B.J. Huang,Z. Zheng*, F.L. Yang, Y.G. Zhang, H.X. Zhao, D.P. Li, “A rapid sonochemical approach to semiconductor thin films: The case of metal iodides”,Solid State Ionics179, 2006 (2008).
25. X.T. Zhang, Z. Liu,Z. Zheng, S. Hark, “Controlled growth of highly aligned amorphous SiOxsunflower-like morphology”,J. Mater. Res.23, 1667 (2008).
24. L.W. Mi, M.L. Han, D.P. Li, W.H. Chen, andZ. Zheng*, “A novel two-dimensional cadmium polymeric aminonaphthalene sulfonate and its application in the synthesis of CdS materials”,Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.634, 373 (2008).
23.Z. Zheng*, S.M. Wang, D.P. Li, A.R. Liu, B.J. Huang, H.X. Zhao, Z.L. Zhang, “Morphology-controlled synthesis of lead iodide compounds from lead foils and iodine”,J. Cryst. Growth308, 398(2007).
22. N.S. Lam, K.W. Wong, Q. Li,Z. Zhengand W.M. Lau “Controllable size reduction of CdSe nanowires through intermediate formation of Se-coated CdSe nanowires by using acid and thermal treatment”,Nanotechnology18, 415607 (2007).
21.Z. Zheng*, B.J. Huang, H.Q. Ma, X.P. Zhang, M.Y. Liu, Z. Liu, K.W. Wong, W.M. Lau, “Biomimetic growth of biomorphic CaCO3with hierarchically ordered cellulosic structures”,Cryst. Growth Des.7, 1912 (2007).
20. H.X. Zhao,Z. Zheng*, K.W. Wong, S.M. Wang, B.J. Huang, D.P. Li, “Fabrication and electrochemical performance of nickel ferrite nanoparticles as anode material in lithium-ion batteries”,Electrochem. Commun.9, 2606 (2007).
19. L. Xi,Z. Zheng, N-S. Lam, O. Grizzi, W.M. Lau, “Effects of hyperthermal proton bombardment on alkanethiol self-assembled monolayer on Au (1 1 1)”,Appl. Surf. Sci.254, 113 (2007).
18. W.M. Lau,Z. Zheng, Y. H. Wang, Y. Luo, L. Xi, K. W. Wong, and K. Y. Wong, “Cross-linking organic semiconducting molecules by preferential C-H cleavage via “chemistry with a tiny hammer”,Can. J. Chem.85, 859 (2007).
17. J. Rafique, J. Yu, J.L. Yu, G. Fang, K. W. Wong,Z. Zheng, C. H. Ong, and W. M. Lau, “Electrospinning highly aligned long polymer nanofibers on large scale by using a tip collector”,Appl. Phys. Lett.90, 63126 (2007).
16. X. T. Zhang, Z. Liu,Z. Zheng, S. K. Harka, “Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of well-aligned Ga-doped N-rich SiOxNy nanowire bundles”,Appl. Phys. Lett.90, 183110 (2007).
15.Z. Zheng, K.W. Wong, W.C. Lau, R.W.M. Kwok, W.M. Lau, “Unusual kinematics-driven chemistry: cleaving C-H but not COO-H bonds with hyperthermal protons to synthesize tailor-made molecular films”Chem. Eur. J.13, 3187 (2007).
14. L.R. Lu, Z.H. Ai, J.P. Li,Z. Zheng, Q. Li, L.Z. Zhang, “Synthesis and Characterization of Fe-Fe2O3Core-Shell Nanowires and Nanonecklaces”,Cryst. Growth Des.7, 459 (2007).
13. J. Yu,Z. Zheng, H. C. Ong, K. Y. Wong,W. M. Lau, S. Matsumoto, “Thermal stability of cubic boron nitride films deposited by chemical vapor deposition”,J. Phys. Chem. B110, 21073 (2006).
12. Y. Huang,Z. Zheng, Z. H. Ai, L. Z. Zhang, X. X. Fang, and Z.G. Zou,“Core-Shell Microspherical Ti1-xZrxO2Solid Solutions Photocatalysts Directly from Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis”,J. Phys. Chem. B110, 19323 (2006).
11.Z. Zheng, R.W.M. Kwok, W.M. Lau, “A New Cross-linking Route via the Unusual Collision Kinematics of Hyperthermal Proton in Unsaturated Hydrocarbon: the Case of Poly(trans-isoprene)”,Chem. Commun.3122, (2006).
10. H. Qiao, X. Zhu,Z. Zheng, L. Liu, l.Z. Zhang, “Synthesis of V3O7.H2O nanobelts as cathode materials for lithium–ion batteries”,Electrochemistry Commun.8, 21 (2006).
9. J.C. Yu, X. L. Hu, Q. Li,Z. Zheng, Y. M. Xu, “Synthesis and Characterization of Core-Shell Selenium/Carbon Colloids and Hollow Carbon Capsules”,Chem. Eur. J.12, 548 (2006).
8. A.R. Liu, S.M. Wang, Y.R. Zhao,Z. Zheng, “Low-temperature preparation of nanocrystalline TiO2photocatalyst with a very large specific surface area”,Mater. Chem. Phys.99, 131 (2006).
7.Z. Zheng*, A.R. Liu, S. M. Wang, Y. Wang, Z. S. Li, W. M. Lau, and L. Z. Zhang, “In situ growth of epitaxial lead iodide films composed of hexagonal single crystals”,J. Mater. Chem.15, 4555 (2005).
6. L. Z. Zhang, J.C. Yu,Z. Zheng, and C. W. Leung, “Fabrication of hierarchical porous iron oxide films utilizing the Kirkendall effect”,Chem. Commun.21, 2683 (2005).
5.Z. Zheng, X.D. Xu, X.L. Fan, W.M. Lau R.W.M. Kwok, “Ultrathin polymer film formation by collision-induced cross-Linking of adsorbed organic molecules with hyperthermal protons”,J. Am. Chem. Soc.126, 12336 (2004).
4. J.C. Yu, L.Z. Zhang,Z. Zheng, and J. Zhao, “Synthesis and characterization of phosphated mesoporous Titanium dioxide with high photocatalytic activity”,Chemistry Material15, 2280 (2003).
3. J.G. Yu, J.C. Yu, B. Cheng, X.J. Zhao,Z. Zheng, and A.S.K. Li, “Atomic force microscopic studies of porous TiO2 thin films prepared by the Sol-Gel method”,J. Sol-Gel Sci. And Tech.24, 229 (2002).
2. G.Q. Shen,Z. Zheng, Y. Wan, X.D. Xu, and L.L. Cao, "Synergistic lubricating effects of borate ester with heterocyclic compound",Wear246, 55 (2000).
1.Z. Zheng, G.Q. Shen, Y. Yong, X.D. Xu, L.L. Cao, T.J. Sun, and Q.X. Yue, "Synthesis, hydrolytic stability and tribological properties of novel borate esters containing nitrogen as lubricant additives",Wear222, 135 (1998).
29.郑直,魏杰,雷岩,贾会敏,王捷,葛素香,"室温下原位控制合成氧化银半导体薄膜材料" 专利申请号:201310578315.X。
28.郑直,方铭清,张礼知,贾会敏,雷岩,张艳鸽,法文君, "低温原位构建BiOI/Bi2S3异质结薄膜及柔性光电化学太阳能电池器件" 专利申请号:201410022942.X。
26.郑直,王承相,雷岩,魏杰,范丽波 “一种室温下原位合成硒化银半导体光电薄膜材料的化学方法”专利申请号:201310090546.6(已授权)。
25.郑直,雷岩,范丽波,刘松子,贾会敏,程佳美 “一种常温下原位控制合成硫铜银三元化合物半导体光电薄膜材料的化学方法” 专利申请号:201310121142.9。
20.郑直,雷岩,贾会敏,张艳鸽,法文君,李大鹏,翟学珍,李艳巧 “基于低温制备的Ag2S片状纳米晶阵列与P3HT杂化的薄膜光电转换器件” 专利申请号:201110337703.X(已授权)。
19.郑直,贾会敏,何伟伟,陈雪武,赵红晓,雷岩,李品将,张翼东,李静,杨风岭,“基于In2S3网状纳米晶阵列与P3HT杂化薄膜的太阳能电池器件”专利申请号:201110057346.1(已授权)专利号:ZL 2011 1 0057346.1。
18.郑直,高远浩,李大鹏,李静,贾会敏,张艳鸽,张翼东,“银铜硒(AgCuSe)三元化合物树枝晶薄膜材料及其制备方法”专利申请号:201110002485.4(已授权)专利号:ZL 2011 1 0002485.4。
17.张艳鸽,郑直,李品将,黄保军,法文君,高远浩,“一种酚醛树脂包覆碳纳米管复合材料及其化学制备方法” 专利申请号:201110035827.2(已授权)专利号:ZL 2011 1 0035827.2。
15.米立伟,李珍;张艳鸽;郑直;王海磊;郭珊珊,“可降解MB工业废水的Cu2S催化剂的制备方法及应用” 专利申请号:201110058905.0公开(公告)号:CN102166526A。
14.郑直,薄盈盈,贾会敏,张艳鸽,米立伟,法文君,李艳巧,黄晚霞,赵亚平,“热分解制备具有生物微纳米结构氧化铜晶体的化学方法”专利申请号:201110074316.1(已授权)专利号:ZL 2011 1 0074316.1。
13.郑直,贾会敏,何伟伟,赵红晓,李品将,雷岩,李大鹏,杨风岭, “在ITO导电玻璃上原位制备纳米网状硫铟锌三元化合物光电薄膜的化学方法” 专利申请号:201010125445.4(已授权)专利号:ZL 2010 1 0125445.4。
12.郑直,雷岩,贾会敏,李大鹏,陈秋霞,黄保军,李品将,张艳鸽,杨风岭,“一种低温下控制合成片状CuxSy纳米晶光电薄膜的化学方法” 专利申请号:201010111403.5(已授权)专利号:ZL 2010 1 0111403.5。
11.郑直,李大鹏,雷岩,贾会敏,法文君,李品将,赵红晓,杨风岭,“一种低温下原位合成片状硫化银纳米晶光电薄膜的化学方法” 专利申请号:201010111402.0(已授权)专利号:ZL 2010 1 0111402.0。
10.张礼知,葛素香,郑直,“碳掺杂五氧化二铌纳米结构可见光光催化剂及其非水体系低温制备”专利申请号:200910061178.6(已授权)专利号:ZL 2009 1 006 1178.6。
9.申长雨,米立伟,陈卫华,郑直,王亚明,丁奇,“具有花状结构的二元硫化物PbXZn1-XS微粒及其制备方法” 专利申请号:200910227294.0公开(公告)号:CN101767817A。
8.米立伟,申长雨,陈卫华,郑直,王亚明,李珍,“具有花状结构的二元硫化物Ag2XZn1-XS微粒及其制备方法” 专利申请号:200910227297.4公开(公告)号:CN101767815A。
7.申长雨,米立伟,陈卫华,郑直,王亚明,王京 “具有花状结构的二元硫化物Cu*Zn*S微粒及其制备方法” 专利申请号:200910227295.5公开(公告)号:CN101759226A。
6.申长雨,米立伟,陈卫华,郑直,王亚明,李珍 “具有花状结构的二元硫化物Cd*Zn*S微粒及其制备方法” 专利申请号:200910227296.X公开(公告)号:CN101875505A。
5.郑直,李大鹏,黄家伟,黄保军,张翼东,赵红晓,杨风岭,张礼知,“一种制备三维多枝状硒化铜纳米晶光电薄膜材料的化学方法”,专利申请号:200910063642.5(已授权)专利号:ZL 2009 1 006 3642.5。
4.郑直,李大鹏,水正阳,龙明强,黄保军,赵红晓,杨风岭,张礼知,“树枝状硒化银纳米晶薄膜材料及制备方法”,专利申请号:200710052721.7(已授权)专利号:ZL 2007 1 0052721.7。
17.《Biomimetic growth of biomorphic CaCO3with hierarchically ordered cellulosic structures》、第十届河南省自然科学优秀学术论文、一等奖、2010年、河南省科技厅、第一完成人;
16.《A New Cross-linking Route via the Unusual Collision Kinematics of Hyperthermal Proton in Unsaturated Hydrocarbon: the Case of Poly(trans-isoprene)》、第十届河南省自然科学优秀学术论文、二等奖、2010年、河南省科技厅、第一完成人;
15.《Unusual kinematics-driven chemistry: cleaving C-H but not COO-H bonds with hyperthermal protons to synthesize tailor-made molecular films》、第十届河南省自然科学优秀学术论文、二等奖、2010年、河南省科技厅、第一完成人;
14.《In-situ growth of epitaxial lead iodide films composed of hexagonal single crystals》、第十届河南省自然科学优秀学术论文、一等奖、2010年、河南省科技厅、第一完成人;
13.《Fabrication and electrochemical performance of nickel ferrite nanoparticles as anode material in lithium ion batteries》、第十届河南省自然科学优秀学术论文、二等奖、2010年、河南省科技厅、第二完成人(通讯作者);
12. 《Using Elemental Se and Ag to Grow Pure Ag2Se Dendrites/Dendritic-Films of Highly Oriented (001) Nanocrystals》、第十届河南省自然科学优秀学术论文、一等奖、2010年、河南省科技厅、第二完成人(通讯作者);
11.《A Rapid Sonochemical Approach to Semiconductor Thin Films: the case of Metal Iodides》、第十届河南省自然科学优秀学术论文、二等奖、2010年、河南省科技厅、第二完成人(通讯作者);
10.《In Situ L-Hydroxyproline Functionalization and Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity of TiO2 Nanorods》、第十届河南省自然科学优秀学术论文、二等奖、2010年、河南省科技厅、第四完成人(通讯作者);
9.《In-situ fabrication of AgI films on various substrstes》、河南省教育厅优秀科技论文、一等奖、2010年、河南省教育厅、第一完成人;
7.《Unusual kinematics-driven chemistry: cleaving C-H but not COO-H bonds with hyperthermal protons to synthesize tailor-made molecular films》、河南省教育厅优秀科技论文、二等奖、2008年、河南省教育厅、第一完成人;
6.《Biomimetic growth of biomorphic CaCO3with hierarchically ordered cellulosic structures》、河南省教育厅优秀科技论文、一等奖、2008年、河南省教育厅、第一完成人;
5.《A New Cross-linking Route via the Unusual Collision Kinematics of Hyperthermal Proton in Unsaturated Hydrocarbon: the Case of Poly(trans-isoprene)》、河南省教育厅优秀科技论文、一等奖、2008年、河南省教育厅、第一完成人;
4.《Morphology-controlled synthesis of lead iodide compounds from lead foils and iodine》、河南省教育厅优秀科技论文、一等奖、2008年、河南省教育厅、第一完成人;
《实用化学》副主编;1998年9月,陕西师大出版社, ISBN7-5613-1901-0。
3、香港研究资助局项目“Functionalization of Backbone Carbon on Polymer Surfaces with –COOH”(CUHK4106/98P,主要完成人,54.5万元);
2、香港研究资助局项目“Engineering New Etching Processer for Semiconductors with Hyperthermal Ion Bombardment”(CUHK 4315/98E,参加,125.2万元);
1、香港研究资助局项目“Engineering Homoepitaxial Growth Of cBN”(4440/99E,参加,55.5万元)。
3、香港研究资助局项目“Single-crystalline chitosan nanostructures: Preparation, properties and applications in drug delivery, biomineralization and biomineral tectonics”(403708,第二主持人,2009年1月—2012年09月,34.37万元)